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Veritas Press Self-Paced Omnibus 1

OK Family

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I have been contemplating having my son participate in this course instead of Classical Conversations Challenge A. ( I love CC, having a hard time finding a community my whole family can join).


I know it's history, theology and literature. What else do you add to your coursework? How have you liked Omnibus?

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We liked Omni, not a fan of year one due to some of the reading for 12 year olds but the other years we have enjoyed.  We did not have luck with their self paced course do to internet reasons (didn't work using our satellite internet and it did not work at our local library).  However, we enjoyed doing it together and their live courses are very good.  Yes, besides Omnibus you would need to do a grammar/composition course like SilverMoon said and then add whatever you feel necessary.  For grammar/composition there are many choices if you want to follow the VP way you can see what they use in their online school.  Good luck!

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We liked Omni, not a fan of year one due to some of the reading for 12 year olds but the other years we have enjoyed. We did not have luck with their self paced course do to internet reasons (didn't work using our satellite internet and it did not work at our local library). However, we enjoyed doing it together and their live courses are very good. Yes, besides Omnibus you would need to do a grammar/composition course like SilverMoon said and then add whatever you feel necessary. For grammar/composition there are many choices if you want to follow the VP way you can see what they use in their online school. Good luck!

Thank you. Thats a good idea, I'll have to look at their online school.

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If you go with the live course I would recommend Wilson Hill Academy because with VP there is two classes to fill the Lit., History, & Theology credit where at WHA you only have one course.  My son did really well at VP but he had to work hard and time is a factor for the online class at VP you are spending 6hrs a week just in class not to mention all the reading and assignments.  However with WHA there is only one class that combines it all (makes more since to me and it is cheaper :)  Good luck and hope this helps!

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If you go with the live course I would recommend Wilson Hill Academy because with VP there is two classes to fill the Lit., History, & Theology credit where at WHA you only have one course. My son did really well at VP but he had to work hard and time is a factor for the online class at VP you are spending 6hrs a week just in class not to mention all the reading and assignments. However with WHA there is only one class that combines it all (makes more since to me and it is cheaper :) Good luck and hope this helps!

Thank you I will check it out.

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Looks interesting, but is not cheaper. The VP self pace course with books is 100 cheaper.

Actually, if you consider that there are two VP courses - primary and secondary - that are equivalent to one Great Conversations course, WHA is cheaper, I believe even doing the self-paced option.

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