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English Lessons Through Literature and WWE


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I am thinking of using English Lessons Through Literature next year for some of my children.  I am wondering if I should still use WWE along with ELTL or if there is enough writing in ELTL that I wouldn't need to use WWE also.  And, how do the writing lessons in ELTL compare to those in WWE?  When the children are finished WWE 3, I want to be able to register them in Expository Writing 1 at the WTM online academy (equivalent to WWS 1).  Do you think if they finished ELTL level 3 that would be equivalent to finishing WWE 3, and they would be prepared for WWS 1?

Thank you!

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Well I did ELTL1 last year with my 6 yr old. We also did WWE2. I alternated them, so ELTL 5 days a week till the story was done then WWE2 two lessons a day 3 times a week. He was used to doing Climbing to Good English 2, 2-3 pages a day and WWE1. I didn't want to go backwards, asking for less writing. ELTL 1 is light, IMO, in writing and ELTL 2 isn't much more. I already wrote out the sentences (too cheap to buy the wkbk) in ELTL2 in his comp book for next year. It's just a little more writing and then labeling a sentence too. We will do WWE3 with it. He's good at dictation and I want to keep this skill from WWE2 going. I also feel like he could use the narration practice. ELTL has one every few lessons but I want more.


If we went back to narrations/copywork/dictation in SOTW or other readings I would drop WWE. We quit those writings because he just wanted to enjoy the stories. Also, WWE serves as handwriting practice and spelling for us. I bought WWE 1-4 on a damage sale. If I didn't have 4 I probably would quit it after 3 and just do ELTL and Sotw writings. I hear ELTL picks up in 3 or 4. We will see.


Hope that helps, we are a younger family so I know it may not.

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Age, maturity, and overall experience writing are more important predictors of readiness for WWS1 than completion of WWE3.  


I have ELTL to try with my ds this fall.  I have Jot It Down (Bravewriter) to go with it.  The variety is nice for kids.  If your kids are a bit older, they might enjoy Writing Tales (LOVE) or the How to Report on Books series.  Just spice it up.  :)


Fwiw, my dd, who the ps psych said was an impressive writer that he wished were going to his school, struggled with the WWE series and did WWS1 in 8th, WWS2 in 9th.  There's really no rush.  If you're thinking WWE levels correlate somewhat to grade and that many kids are doing WWS1 in 4th or 5th, this is not the case.  Head over to the LM board and see.

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I am doing both ELTL and WWE with my first grader this fall. I really love WWE at that age and oral narration is a strength of his so I think he will enjoy it. We do WWE then move to IEW. I am smitten with ELTL and think it will be a fun program with all of the literature and poetry. I love picture study and I am excited about it being worked in for me so I don't pass by it when we get rolling. I think they will compliment each other well. The amount of copy work in ELTL seems really minimal to me so I think the additional writing will be fine especially since ELTL is only a 3 day a week program. 

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