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What next? Oxford University Press - The Medieval and Early Modern World

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My dd12 just finished reading these two sets, The World in Ancient Times, AND The Medieval and Early Modern World (links below).





Any suggestions as to where to go next? She's a good reader and loves interesting history. We don't really use a curriculum for history, just lots of reading like the above plus novels, etc. I'm looking for lots of good suggestions or links for her (and that could include movie recommendations as well).



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Do you have a good library?


Dd read from the Pages from History series, also from OUP.


Here's a (partial ?) listing from amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=pages+from+history


And the list from OUP https://global.oup.com/academic/search?q=Pages+from+history&cc=il&lang=en


Yes, an excellent library that we use so much!! We've not read that series, so I will definitely look for it. Did your dd enjoy it?


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Yes, an excellent library that we use so much!! We've not read that series, so I will definitely look for it. Did your dd enjoy it?


Yes, she did! She only read the US-specific volumes during our US history run-through last year (8th grade). She'll be using some other volumes next year when studying Comparative Government and Politics (am writing that syllabus now lol).

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