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Reader package or list


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I use Sonlight readers because I like having a package of readers that are already at my fingertips ready to go.


Does anyone have any additional reader packages, or book lists for a 3rd-5th grade reading level?


I need at least a year or more of additional readers suddenly. We changed our plan and have temporarily run out of SL readers.


Im looking for biographies, classics, preclassics, fiction, nonfiction. We will be covering ancients-middle ages, later early American history. Anything recommended to continue to grow reading skills, challenging, but enjoyable.


Thanks in advance!


I like TWTM. But I struggle because I need preselected options. Would love any direction to an easy book list hacks.


Forgive me, I'm posting from phone.

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Story of the World (SOTW) volumes 1-4 each have an Activity Book that can be used with them. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_22?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=story+of+the+world+activity+book&sprefix=Story+of+the+World+Act%2Caps%2C302       They include literature, (classics and others)  fiction and non-fiction (including biographies) lists that are directly related to each and every chapter of Story of the World along with relevant narration prompts, narration examples, geography, coloring pages and hands on activities for each and every chapter. There's a significant amount of American history in them.

SOTW 1: Ancients

SOTW 2: Middle Ages

SOTW 3: Early Modern

SOTW 4: Modern

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I use Sonlight readers because I like having a package of readers that are already at my fingertips ready to go.


Does anyone have any additional reader packages, or book lists for a 3rd-5th grade reading level?


I need at least a year or more of additional readers suddenly. We changed our plan and have temporarily run out of SL readers.


Im looking for biographies, classics, preclassics, fiction, nonfiction. We will be covering ancients-middle ages, later early American history. Anything recommended to continue to grow reading skills, challenging, but enjoyable.



I was just looking for the same thing for the same reason. The SL lists overlap most other lists/packages, so it is difficult to just buy a bundle, but you can certainly put together your own.


The books that Moving Beyond the Page includes in their "4th grade" package (ages 8-10) are:


Little House in the Big Woods

The Sign of the Beaver

Native American Animal Stories

Ben and Me

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe



Charlotte in Giverney (picture book, I think)

Abel's Island

Pedro's Journal

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


Some other books that would fit well:

The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt

The Cricket in Times Square (wait, that's on SL, right?)

From the Mixed-Up Files by Konigsburg

Matilda by Dahl

Shiloh series

The Indian in the Cupboard series

The Trumpet of the Swan by White

Because of Winn-Dixie by DiCamillo

Island of the Blue Dolphins

All of the Beverly Cleary books



Robinson Crusoe

The Secret Garden




Anything from the Who Was series.

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OK, i i thought i had already responded, but i think i was mid response before posting. We are in the middle of a move and I keep getting pulled away. 


Thanks, Ladies!


So....I must confess i just bought each 2015 summer reader package so i could get a free book per package... and... it seems i've been given almost $100 worth of free books this way. 


ALSO i did some reading on ambelsides book list thank you... and I appreciate the books listed above too! I'm making note of those! I also HAVE SOTW Activity guides, so thank you for that reminder! Are ther eany tricks in knowing what reading level they are at? and b/c this post got accidentally posted twice, Merry reminded me of THIS list too: http://www.classical-homeschooling.org/celoop/1000-primary.html


that All through the Ages book, looks fascinating! THESE are the types of resources i was looking for! I wonder if rainbowresources or amazon has that book, too... I will look for it. 

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 Thanks again for listing this out!

I was just looking for the same thing for the same reason. The SL lists overlap most other lists/packages, so it is difficult to just buy a bundle, but you can certainly put together your own.


The books that Moving Beyond the Page includes in their "4th grade" package (ages 8-10) are:


Little House in the Big Woods

The Sign of the Beaver

Native American Animal Stories

Ben and Me

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe



Charlotte in Giverney (picture book, I think)

Abel's Island

Pedro's Journal

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


Some other books that would fit well:

The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt

The Cricket in Times Square (wait, that's on SL, right?)

From the Mixed-Up Files by Konigsburg

Matilda by Dahl

Shiloh series

The Indian in the Cupboard series

The Trumpet of the Swan by White

Because of Winn-Dixie by DiCamillo

Island of the Blue Dolphins

All of the Beverly Cleary books



Robinson Crusoe

The Secret Garden




Anything from the Who Was series.


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I've always liked the Heart of Dakota book recommendations but I thought they were supposed to be used as read alouds?  Obviously, you could use them as readers if your child was at that level.  I'm just curious what the original intentions of Moving Beyond the Page are.  I'm always trying to figure out what my second grader should be reading too!

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I'm just curious what the original intentions of Moving Beyond the Page are.  I'm always trying to figure out what my second grader should be reading too!


I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but the books in MBtP are all independently read from 7-9 and up. The list I gave upthread is for ages 8-10 and commonly used in 3rd/4th grade. I was going to use it this year for my son's 2nd grade year since he is a really strong reader, but I think I will put it off a while yet until he has more interest in writing since MBtP asks for a LOT of output.

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I've always liked the Heart of Dakota book recommendations but I thought they were supposed to be used as read alouds? Obviously, you could use them as readers if your child was at that level.

There are books packages that go with DITHOR for specific reading levels, and then there are read alouds. Which as you say can certainly be used for lit selections :). HOD also sells a list of books by genre and age for $5. Many titles are popular, but I sure like to have the list at my fingertips ☺ï¸



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