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x-post from SP: For those who've prayed about our VT! Success!

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Since many of you on this board have prayed for me, I wanted to share this post I just put on the special needs board about DD and her vision therapy:



Want to rejoice with me? My DD is nearing the end of her vision therapy with only 5 visits left (well, 10 really as we do double sessions). The therapist wanted to focus only on remaining trouble areas for the last few visits, so she did a total retest. Want to hear the composite score?


Drum-roll please...battery-017.gif


She raised her total score from an original 18th percentile to an amazing 77th! My jaw literally dropped, and I got tears in my eyes. DD got embarrassed and hid! :lol: Her individual scores placed her in a skill range of normal (9.3 years) to above average (13 years in FOUR categories!). She only has two small trouble areas where she is just six months behind where she should be...that is where the remaining work will be done. This is a girl who scored at a visual skill level of 5.6 years to 7.4 years at age 9 just back in May!


I know several of you are struggling to get through VT, so I wanted to post this as an encouragement. We have seen amazing progress in just 3 months. I asked our therapist was this normal, and she said it was normal progress for most kids in VT. She said, however, that our situation made the rise in skills more dramatic because we'd had the opportunity to condense therapy. So, if you are not seeing as much progress as you would like and you are one of those who is doing VT at a regular pace of once a week, hang in there. It WILL get better!


Oh, and BTW...DD, who once got carsick just watching a video, read 80 pages of The Boxcar Children while driving home from VT today! That accounts for about a page a minute if she'd read the whole time (I don't know if she did!) I thought she was playing a Nintendo DS! :D

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Thank you for sharing your story and your success. I rejoice with you. Thank you for replying to my original poll/post. I originally posted under a different topic asking for advice/help for visual weaknesses, and I didn't get much response. So, I posted a new question/topic with a poll hoping to get more responses. I'm so glad you took the time to respond. I'm really grateful and looking forward to taking my DD to her first appointment in 2 weeks.




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Since many of you on this board have prayed for me, I wanted to share this post I just put on the special needs board about DD and her vision therapy:



Want to rejoice with me? My DD is nearing the end of her vision therapy with only 5 visits left (well, 10 really as we do double sessions). The therapist wanted to focus only on remaining trouble areas for the last few visits, so she did a total retest. Want to hear the composite score?


Drum-roll please...battery-017.gif


She raised her total score from an original 18th percentile to an amazing 77th! My jaw literally dropped, and I got tears in my eyes. DD got embarrassed and hid! :lol: Her individual scores placed her in a skill range of normal (9.3 years) to above average (13 years in FOUR categories!). She only has two small trouble areas where she is just six months behind where she should be...that is where the remaining work will be done. This is a girl who scored at a visual skill level of 5.6 years to 7.4 years at age 9 just back in May!


I know several of you are struggling to get through VT, so I wanted to post this as an encouragement. We have seen amazing progress in just 3 months. I asked our therapist was this normal, and she said it was normal progress for most kids in VT. She said, however, that our situation made the rise in skills more dramatic because we'd had the opportunity to condense therapy. So, if you are not seeing as much progress as you would like and you are one of those who is doing VT at a regular pace of once a week, hang in there. It WILL get better!


Oh, and BTW...DD, who once got carsick just watching a video, read 80 pages of The Boxcar Children while driving home from VT today! That accounts for about a page a minute if she'd read the whole time (I don't know if she did!) I thought she was playing a Nintendo DS! :D


Oh, that is so great!!!! I'm so happy to hear that.

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She raised her total score from an original 18th percentile to an amazing 77th! My jaw literally dropped, and I got tears in my eyes. DD got embarrassed and hid! :lol: Her individual scores placed her in a skill range of normal (9.3 years) to above average (13 years in FOUR categories!).



Congratulations. That's great!


My ds 10 is starting VS next week. I've put this off for years, because I've looked at the research and have been really skeptical about the evidence for it. But despite really intensive reading instruction, he's still behind, so we're going to go ahead and try it.


Can you elaborate on what tests they did? Are they reading tests? Decoding, fluency? Or is it eye movements or something? Thanks.

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