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I am finishing up 100 EL with my 5 1/2 year old. I need a simple, not lots of parts, open and go phonics for her.


I was thinking about doing OPGTR and also using LTR but just the LU. Could the LTR LU be independant alittle? I was also considering ETC. ( I have other kiddos). She loves workbooks. Thoughts?

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CLE Learning to Read LU's are completely dependent upon the TM, so probably not a good independent option.


Explode the Code can actually be pretty independent once the kid gets the hang of it. My almost-6-year-old is working through ETC 3 with almost zero help from me.


HTH ;)

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I agree: CLE LTR doesn't sound like it would fit your needs (and I'm a big CLE fan).


ETC would work well, as an independent-ish practice alongside something parent-led, like OPGTR. We use ETC with Dancing Bears. Your kiddo is pretty young...maybe something game-based (like Happy Phonics) would be fun?


Or...if you really want to use something from CLE, their Language Arts 1 includes a lot of the phonics from LTR, but I think it is less dependent on the teacher manual. It also covers some gentle grammar.

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CLE LTR definitely isn't independent. It also isn't just phonics. It's phonics, spelling, manuscript instruction, copywork, sight words, reading fluency, comprehension etc. It is pretty open and go, but I wouldn't try linkg it up with another programs scope and sequence. It is very full in and of itself.

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CLE LTR definitely isn't independent. It also isn't just phonics. It's phonics, spelling, manuscript instruction, copywork, sight words, reading fluency, comprehension etc. It is pretty open and go, but I wouldn't try linkg it up with another programs scope and sequence. It is very full in and of itself.


Jennifer, Thank you. That information is helpful!


Do you use the readers and flashcards with CLE LTR?


Do you think CLE 100  would have enough phonics for a child that finished 100 EL and knows the 70 phonograms (from LoE)?

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We do use the readers, sound flashcards and word flashcards. They are very helpful. What kind of words can this child decode? It's possible that she may be past LTR.


LTR is then initial phonics program. LA then branches into Reading (reading fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, bits of writing and phonics) and LA (spelling, grammar, penmanship, phonics in the early grades, usage, punctuation, homophones, and all that miscellaneous LA stuff.)


Have you seen the detailed scope and sequence? Based on it, I was able to pinpoint where to place my 2nd DD at the end of first grade (LTR 106 and LA 101).


Here is a link for you:



I hope this helps :).

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