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My son had another seizure last night

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the first since starting his meds in March. I was really hoping with the meds that he wouldn't have any more seizures, so I am pretty discouraged. I am going to give the neuro a call today and see if they want to do anything different or see him, or just keep on until his next visit in October.


I was wondering, can missing a dose of meds cause him or allow him a seizure that would of otherwise not happened had he taken his meds? He usually takes it @ 7PM and "we" forgot ( I wasn't home. Enough said) and the seizure was @ 10. He says he didn't get his morning dose either, but I am 99.9% sure I gave it to him, so I don't think that was the case.

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You do not want to miss a dose of these meds. That could have allowed his breakthough seizure (esp. if he really did not get the morning dose either). Has he had meds levels done recently (via blood work)? They should be done before the doc. app't, so the doc has the results and can decide if the dosage needs tweaking.

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I was wondering, can missing a dose of meds cause him or allow him a seizure that would of otherwise not happened had he taken his meds? He usually takes it @ 7PM and "we" forgot ( I wasn't home. Enough said) and the seizure was @ 10. He says he didn't get his morning dose either, but I am 99.9% sure I gave it to him, so I don't think that was the case.




AEDs, especially ones like Lamictal, Topamax and Keppra, need steady dosing.




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He will be fine. Do not be alarmed. There is a woman who lives locally and her son had repeated seizures from when he was three to just this year and he's around 8. In the past, they have had to use the diastat more than once. His seizures are now "controlled". Hang in there...

There is research in the area of fish liver oil. You may want to consider the Nordic or something like that. It doesn't taste good, but can be mixed with some strawberry syrup from the store. Make sure he's not consuming too much caffeine.


With all due respect to the other board members, I would have to say (based on what our dd's former and current neurol. have told us) that missing one dose probably did NOT cause his seizure.


We asked this very question to our dd first neuro and she said missing a dose is NOT serious. The one dose in a blue moon scenario.


As we've talked in the past, seizure "types" can change and I believe it was Ottakee who said that a person can have "more than one seizure type at the same time".


Your son probably started purberty a year or so ago and that can be a trigger itself.


Good for calling the dr. to touch base. Maybe an eeg would be timely in Sept to get Oct results.


Praying for N.




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We occ. miss a dose as well. If the blood level is high enough, it likely isn't a problem. If his blood levels are already low, it might have had an impact.


I would ask the neuro to order a trough draw---meaning a blood test 12 hours after his last dose of meds and before the next one. Basically this means a trip to the lab first thing in the morning, get the blood test and hand him the meds right after they are done.


Puberty and even slight growth can throw off blood levels. For my daughter, we go every 2-4 weeks for blood tests--even earlier if I notice a problem. Good news is that once they get through puberty, the blood levels tend to stabilize and most adults on seizure meds only get a blood test 1-2 times a year.

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