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Any opinions on Rosetta Stone vs. Tell Me More? . . .

Joy at Home

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I'm looking at these two programs and would love to hear feedback on either one. I know RS is most popular, and wondering how satisfied those using it are. It would be for a 7 and 11 year old. Do you think 7 is too young to start?


Also, I'm also looking at Aurolog's Tell me More, which also looks excellent. Does anyone use this? I'm wondering if it's easier to navigate than RS.


Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.




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I tried an earlier version of Auralog's Tell Me More for German and found it very difficult to work with. After 4 years of high school German, 2 years of college German,and living in Germany for 3 years, I got about half the questions wrong on the first dialogue (about getting up, eating breakfast and going to work). I can read novels in German. I understood the dialogue completely. There seemed to be much more test-taking skills and a steep learning curve to the program itself than it was worth.


I didn't bother going any further.

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I just asked my kids about this very thing this morning. We used RS last yr. I bought Tell Me More (French) for this yr. They have been using it for 3 1/2 weeks (so not very long considering)


Anyway, I asked them which one taught them concepts/skills/and over-all language retention better. (Last yr we used RS along with 3 different French texts.......French Prep, First Start French, and Breaking the Barrier. RS material they forgot fairly quickly until it was reinforced with the textbooks with the exception of prepositions and a selection of verbs and nouns)


They all said the Tell Me More is harder and requires them to pay closer attention once you get past the beginning lessons. They did move through the beginning fairly quickly b/c of their exposure to French last yr.


BTW.....my kids that are using TMM are almost 10, 12, and 14.



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Dh and I are learning Italian using Rosetta Stone. To tell you the truth, we haven't done anything for more than a year since we had our baby. I can tell you we really enjoyed it and it was interesting and we learned a lot during that time. I anticipate reinforcing with the curriculum books as well.


I speak Papiamento, Spanish, some French and a little of Portuguese, so to learn an extra Romance language is no biggie. Dh, who speaks only English with a sprinkling of Spanish and Papiamento, says that it is relatively easy to learn and likes the pronunciation feature.

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