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How many books do you assign per year? (4th-5th grades)


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How many books do you assign for your children to read each year? I noticed that Memoria Press has about 4 in their curriculum kits and Veritas has about 10+ (not included the books they have listed for history.) It just made me wonder why their is such a great difference between the 2. 

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I don't assign books for my kids to read, but instead institute a quiet reading time every day. I usually have a stack of pre-selected books sitting around. They choose the book and read. No comp questions or worksheets. Nothing against lit guides, but I find there's just not enough time in the day. I also read aloud to my kids, stopping after every couple pages to check on whether they're comprehending, paying attention, or to point out a creative use of language. I think with this method, my 10yo and 12yo probably read 15+ books a year....but I've not actually counted. Just a guess. 


My guess with MP is that they are delving deeply into those 4 books. With VP, I bet students are expected to be reading quite a bit (knowing the rigor of VP) and also working through lit guides, but maybe not quite as deeply as MP. 


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For literature this year, my 4th grader has to read at least a chapter a day, picking a book off her literature shelf (I make a list from various sources and spend all year looking at Goodwills and used book stores so I can afford a variety). Sometimes she gets sucked into a book and finishes the same day. When she read "Inkheart", she only did the single chapter a day, so that spread out over 2 months. I have 18 books logged for this year, but I really slacked on logging them after Christmas. We don't do worksheets or book reports. She did public school for long enough that it was starting to kill her love of reading, so this year was spent just getting her to enjoy books again. We do tend to watch the movie after reading the book and will discuss where the movie "goes wrong". Mostly I try to let her initiate conversations about the books, and I find that in the absence of assignments, she does.


Next year, for fifth grade, I plan to assign a book a month, and when she's done with that, she can read whatever she wants to for the rest of the month.



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My upcoming fourth grader will have 9 books for literature (Oak Meadow Lit) and 12 books for history (some VP books + some of my choosing) and he has 40 minutes of required reading per day - 20 minutes fiction and 20 minutes non-fiction.


My upcoming sixth grader will read 10-13 books for literature (Omnibus II secondary). Since we get twelve months for the self-paced class (and I don't think there will be another sale until September :) ), I am thinking about doing the first ten books for sixth and saving the last three for seventh, but still undecided. Then she has 20 or so books for history (some VP books + some of my choosing) and 60 minutes of required reading per day split between fiction and non-fiction.


They choose their own books (though I have the right to veto) for the required reading time. Vetoed books have to be saved for free time reading.

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My 4th grader read 7 books assigned to her: Family under the bridge, Helen Keller, Wind in the Willows, Charlotte's Web, Little House in the Big Woods (currently reading), The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,  Sarah Plain and Tall. We've read all of the Molly and Kit books aloud and some of Julie. She had read quite a few on her own since she likes reading. I don't monitor her personal books. She usually reads at night since she has a hard time falling asleep and will just read till she falls asleep.

Next year we are using the suggested literature from Veritas to go along with ancient history. We are also adding Odyssey (children's version), Iliad and D'aulairs Greek Myths. I plan on the assigned reading taking about an hour a day. 

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