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Name this historical figure (or... there is nothing new ... OR plus ca change....):

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This is taken directly from our history studies today.


Rep to whoever can tell me who this paragraph is about (specific info redacted in the interests of HUMOR --- so, please, someone tell me they think it's funny, too, how the more things change, the more they stay the same).


"______ was another troublemaker. At least that is what some [people] thought. Here was a woman with 14 children who was [publically espousing her beliefs]. No one objected to that, until she began to question some of the [men's] beliefs. Soon she was trying to reach everyone with her ideas about ____. Governor _____ was outraged. Didn't Mistress __________ have enough to do, with all those babies to feed?

What was worse, in his view, was that people were listening to her. Even men were listening. There was a reason: [she] had a fine mind, and she loved God. Besides, what she was saying made sense. Governor _______ admitted that she was 'a woman with a ready wit and bold spirit.' Before long, [the place she lived] was split between people who believed what she said and those who believed the [men]. She claimed God was guiding her; the [men] said they were doing God's work on earth."


Any takers? (And please don't turn this into a political discussion! I KNOW that the parallels aren't perfect AT ALL - but even my 11 yr old saw the similarities (except he said, "But Palin's going to be a grandmother!" - So much for ANYONE focusing on the issues!))

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Well, blah. I now KNOW that I had an inferior education! I'd never heard of the woman! (Yes, Anne Hutchinson! Rep to Mrs. Readsalot, once I have rep-ability again.)


And neither of you seemed to think it was funny either :(


Off to larn me some more 'Merican hist'ry. :001_smile:

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FWIW, I fowarded the story to Greta at Fox News... It is a very interesting parallel to make, that's for certain. Who knows? Maybe it will get inserted into some of tonight's talk-show stuff!


As for humor -- I was born lacking one. I seriously have to try to tell a joke... and it only works when I dead-pan it. I'm sooo not the funny man in my family.


Great information, though.

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Well, blah. I now KNOW that I had an inferior education! I'd never heard of the woman! (Yes, Anne Hutchinson! Rep to Mrs. Readsalot, once I have rep-ability again.)


And neither of you seemed to think it was funny either :(


Off to larn me some more 'Merican hist'ry. :001_smile:

Just chalk this up to the vast amount of information I have learned while homeschooling. The amazing thing is I am remembering this stuff . I asked my son at dinner and he remembered too....it warms this mom's heart to know the lessons are sinking in.

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