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How much does Mennonite theology appear in the R&S Bible Readers


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Or other subjects for that matter. But I saw it recommended twice on another Bible curriculum thread. If I had to describe my theology, my attempt would be: reformed, Biblical, somewhat conservative. I can use something like R&S English, I think (just started), but I had a problem with Wisdom & the Millers. I don't want to have to explain too many theological differences in our Bible curriculum, I'm doing good just to get something done regularly. We are liking Gods Great Covenant but it is only 4 books and also, if R&S is more independent......

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I had read that God's Great Covenant was expected to have a fifth book.


My guess is that you aren't going to get too many responses on this since I would bet mostly Mennonites use the Bible section, and Mennonites don't often utilize much technology.


Fwiw, I really like the Who is God series by Summit Ministries. We also plan to do CAP God's Great Covenant when finished.

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Actually, it was recommended a couple of times in another thread and I decided to do a spinoff since it was such a specific question. Does anyone who uses it and is NOT Mennonite find some of the doctrine/theology to be heavily Mennonite-influenced?

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I am not Mennonite, but Baptist. I use the 2nd-4th grade Bible curriculum and having noticed any issues, but my theology might not be as far off as yours. I've always felt that they were Scriptural in perspective not denominational. I've always assumed their theology came in later grades.

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I'm not Mennonite, but I still love their Bible curriculum.  We've been using it for seven years and find it sticks quite closely with the Bible.  Some of their nonresistant doctrine is interjected, but nothing overbearing.  I'm excited about (and amazed with) all the Biblical knowledge my children have acquired through their years of using the curriculum.  


I prefer dialoguing with my son over the curriculum when time permits, but you certainly could easily use it independently if you wish, as it is very well laid out and clearly explained.


As far as the rest of their curriculum, I think their English, Spelling, Math, and Science can easily be used by non-Mennonites.  Their history curriculum is probably the one most influenced by their Mennonite beliefs, with large sections on non-resistance, and a little on head coverings.

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