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Help with k4

Peaceful Isle

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I am thinking about my last ds and how he will be in k4 in next year. sniff sniff :(


I would love to get some ideas from you all. What were your favorite workbooks to use? I am already teaching him his numbers and letters and their sounds. 

He will get tons of "play time" since he is still young and I am not going to "push" him into doing school. He begs all the time to do school like his sisters and brother. I am also not a crafty mom who loves to do projects...ugh.


What were your k4  favorite programs that you actually felt was worth the money, and they learned something, lol 



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My youngest will also be in K4 next year.  I can hardly believe it.


With my others, my favorite programs have been literature based - FIAR, Sonlight pre-K books.  I ordered the Winterpromise Journey into Imagination program.  I'm also going to try Little Hands to Heaven.  I've been wanting to do it for years.


My favorite pre-K workbooks are MathUSee Primer and the Get Ready, Get Set, Go for the Code series.





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I love Memoria Press K Enrichment. My DS4 likes it too! I've also been reading aloud from What Your Preschooler Needs to Know and it's actually pretty good. It's right at his level so the history and science is interesting to him, but not complicated. He also does the Get Ready for the Code books, but isn't always very interested in them. He likes the I See Sam books on the iPad too, which have really helped with his reading. This will be my last one in PreK so I'm trying to enjoy all the fun this age/stage offers! :)

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I'm hoping to use Memoria Press Jr. K for K4, but we're still a ways off from there.  


For workbooks, I really like Developing the Early Learner (but they are kind of pricey), Get Ready for the Code (Explode the Code primers), HWOT Get Ready for School, and the Rod & Staff A, B, C series.  With my older two we did those and then used FIAR for great read alouds and some content studies.  FIAR is really not geared for that age, though.  I think MP Enrichment would be a better option.

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My son turns 5 next month! Meaning that we are just wrapping up our 4yo pre-k year!!! I would love to share some of our favs with you, even if they are redundant with the above postings :D


Kumon books were a great introduction to workbooks, my son LOVED tracing and Amazing Tracing. We also did Easy Mazes, Beginning Mazes. Let's cut, and Let's fold.

We did all the ETC primers, but I can't remember if he was 4 or almost 4. We have NOT moved on to ETC 1, Ds is not ready and that's okay!

We are in the second DEL book, those are good, more challenging for him than others.

We loved the Rod and Staff workbook we did, "Everywhere we go"

And my sons fav, which was not really "academic" but I slipped it in there to help enhance his love of school time, was Usborne's Little Boy's Activity Book.


^^ so we did a lot of workbooks! But not all in one go, variety is the spice of life for me AND him so we do a page or two from a different one each time.



And our meat and potatoes, which to me WAS worth the money, was Sonlight P4/5. BUT I realize that as a mom starting to include her youngest in an already busy homeschooling family, you may not want/need a complete "curriculum" like me, a mom chomping at the bit with all energies available to devote to her oldest starting school :D

SO I would highly recommend going through the P4/5 book list and picking out the SCIENCE books, they are amazing! My son has learned SO much. So many science concepts. And painlessly, they are a far far far cut above the boring non fiction Scholastic drivel that PS kids are getting for science.


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Oh and we do RS math A, but we have had it for awhile and are only just now ramping up to do it often. We are on lesson 7, so I don't know as you could say that was really part of our K4 year! It should last us well into our K5 year. I am not in a hurry, but I love the program so far!! (DS too ;) )

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