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Which Physical Science: Exploration Ed, Apologia, or... for middle school


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Ds12 is a little behind in reading, but progressing. He wants to learn physical science. 



We're considering one of these three:


Apologia Physical science (we already have it) with notebooking journal


Exploring Education physical science advanced level (Ds really thinks this looks great!)


Apoloiga Chemistry & Physics w/ notebooking journal (he likes this series)




Have you used any of these? Pros, cons, experience? Thanks!!

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I read your post, but I haven't used any of those books.


I'd separate the topics and find resources for them individually.


Bite-size Physics by Science Jim isn't reading heavy. It has gobs of hands on experiments he could run himself.

Edited by SilverMoon
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Older copies of the Holt Science & Technology series (Earth Science) for Middle School are easily available on Amazon.  I like those books for middle school science.  And I've also used the Holt S & T LIfe Science middle school books with my younger dc. 


Here is a link to a thread here.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/457600-fyi-holt-science-math-textbooks-workbooks-pdf/


The book is intended for sixth grade and is not a difficult read.  That's why I'm recommending it to you, even though it wasn't on your list.  


edited-- I should have said physical science not earth science.


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We did EE advanced physics last year, in 3rd. I have issues with compiling science experiment materials.  I liked that the kit came ready to go with everything we needed except the hot glue gun and a couple other household things. 


The experiments were easy to complete with the directions in the program and Dd liked the idea of doing schoolwork on the computer. That said, while this curriculum is supposed to be for middle school and advanced....I really would only use it as a first-ever pass through the concepts in physics. If you search the forum for Exploration Education you'll see this opinion in the threads. It was great for elementary but I think if your kid is asking for physics and a middle schooler he'll be bored. The blurbs are very shallow and written to a younger audience, IMO. 


I agree with pp about Holt Physics. We've used Life this year, I own Earth (will start in 4-5 months) and the reading level looks early middle school for both. Haven't seen physics except a cursory glance at a convention but it didn't look like a massive step up. 


I think if you already have Apologia, that'd be a good option too. The conversational style would be good for a kid who's behind in reading. 

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My 5th grader is using EE advanced physics this year. She liked building the racer, and enjoys the experiments. She races through it independently very quickly, as in less than 15 minutes for a full lesson with experiment. She has needed me to slow her down and review terminology for it to stick. 

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