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RE: Queens, is it stand alone?


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At present I am using Queens along with R and S 5. I like that Queens is way less teacher intensive, and her general approach. Iis there any way that is enough grammar? I have not thought so, but what if I am wrong and I don't need both??? I would love to hear from anyone who can chime in on this issue.

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Julie, I have not used Queen's, but I am seriously considering it after my 5th grade dd finishes the Ridgewood Grammar book she's in now (only a few lessons to go). I plan to use it along with Daily Grams. IMO this is enough. However, it really depends on what your goals are for your dc. I tend to lean towards a combination of Ruth Beechick/Robinson Curriculum in my homeschool methods. Both methods focus more on writing than grammar.



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Hi Julie,

You will see from my signature that i use Queens. I don't think its enough grammar, really, or really taught in such a way as it will be retained, but I have still found the books valuable for a season. I haven't wanted to be tooooo heavy on grammar in the past, and we tend to hit it on and off, with Analytical Grammar on and off, with KISS grammar, and just now I am dropping Queens for my younger and having him do R&S6 because I feel he needs a challenge and also the repetetiton, and since I had R&S on the shelf, I have decided to use it. But for him I wont use Queens as well- that's too much, IMO. He will do some copywork and dictation but not a program.

I tend to change LA programs and approaches according to how I feel, how the kids are doing, etc- I have never been one to just stick with something for year after year, because we get really bored and uninspired.

The one year we did of Rod and Staff 3 years ago taught my kids a lot, and I dont regret not doing it year after year since then- but it just feels time to do it again for one child.


Anyway, I just go with my feelings. I like the Queens stuff. I like a CM approach although I don't feel the Queens books are anywhere near as rigorous as CM herself was, and that is a bit misleading. I wouldnt use the Queens materials alone year after year, but yes, they are fairly independent . You could easily add something lighter than R&S to it (JAG, AG, Daily Grams) and still be doing well.

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Thanks so much for your input. I am with you, writing over grammar. I have used DG's for the last several years b/c dd always seems to score poorly on the puncuation part of standardized tests. I decided after this last year to ditch the DG's because they don't seem to be helping, I am hoping that the Queens will improve that area, I guess I will see next year.


I really like the Queens, but your not diagramming sentences, do we need to?? I am not sure, I don't think it is on the SAT's.

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Great insight, I do tend to change up LA curricula quite a bit, I suppose that is not so terrible.


I love you suggestion of something lighter than R and S, or maybe we will just do it every other day with the Queen's, as I already own it. At any rate I am going to check out the other items you suggested.

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I like Queens because it's a nice change and my kiddos are still learning. The enjoy using this program. My dd is using Language Lessons for the Elementary Child and ds is using Language Lessons for the Elementary Child book 2. What I have done is have them do two lessons a day.


Sometimes copywork is over 5 lessons. Thank I have them do one lesson of copywork and the other lesson they skip ahead and do adverbs.


My dd is now moving onto FLL 3 and ds R&S 5. I plan to use Queens again.

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I notice you are using RS, I assume your not using Queens by itself?


Thanks for your input.




Hi Julie,


Yes, we finished our Queens grammar books a week ago and now my oldest is using R&S English 5 and my dd is using FLL3. The next level of Queens is The Secondary Child and I'm going to wait another year or so for that.


I really enjoy using Queens. My dc all are using their cursive books along with New American Cursive and they enjoy that also.

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Sorry if the link didn't work. When ever I link anything to their site it seems to automaticly go back to "home".


You just have to scroll down and find it. Wonder why that happens:glare: maybe I should mention it to them.


I did mention once if they could have a forum and she sais they would look into it. Right now they are so busy with just the business.

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