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3 month road trip, could use some suggestions

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We're going to be heading out on a 3 month road trip around the U.S. in the fall and right now I'm in the planning stages of it.  We're in Oregon and planning on heading all the way to Key West and then up the eastern seaboard to see many of the sites affiliated with the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  I'm not too concerned about my 6th and 8th graders, but I do want to keep my 10th grader on track.   We will have time to do some school work on the road and most mornings.  So, what would you bring with?  We've been using TOG for our history/lit studies, but I'm not bringing all that with.


For my 10th grader:  (this is what I was thinking, but I'm open to suggestions)

Notgrass government (any other easy to implement government courses?)

AOPS Intermediate Algebra

Progeny Press Literature Guides

Spanish 2


I don't want to overload him with work, but I also don't want him to feel like he is falling behind.  He plays on the golf team at the public high school and needs to meet eligibility requirements. 



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As far as formal school work goes, I would take math and foreign language. That's it.

I would switch gears with history and use TC lectures because these are great to listen in the car.

I'd take some books to read.

I would seek out as many educational opportunities on the trip and see where they can fit in afterwards.


We traveled every summer for several weeks. We got a lot of history in via audio CDs, took math, and focused on the educational opportunities travel afforded us.


If you are really concerned, you could simply school through the summer and use the trip as your summer break.

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I'd get the textbook science credit done before or after the trip. School years are basically just 9 months, and curriculum structured to be completed within this time frame.


You can also use the trip for a half credit study of a science that ties in with the trip: geology (if you will have an opportunity to study rock formations, visit parks, read a book on geology), or botany (plant studies while hiking) or marine life (while at the keys).

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Add us to those who did the "formal" (aka textbook) lessons at other times of the year so we didn't have to worry about it at all on our travels.  While traveling we added many educational aspects via field trips and stops along the way.  Between the two, I'd say there was far more actual education from the latter, but it was all supplemented with discussions and rabbit trails.  We really, really enjoyed it.

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I really appreciate all the input.  I'd love to think about just forgoing all the formal stuff, but with the high school requiring the classes for him to play golf, we need to keep up on some of it.  We are already using this summer to catch up from the rather traumatic September - December we just went through.  So not a lot of wiggle room there. 


We are planning on visiting a lot of parks, hiking, science museums, etc.  along the way.  Three months is a lot of time to be on the road.  :)   I'm going to look into some of the GC on audio. 


See?  It's just all fragmented right now and I want to get a plan in place.  It's just how I roll.

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We haven't tried to do serious school on the road for quite awhile but when they were younger it was easiest when we had a thin portable workbook, quite a few Key to Math workbooks were finished while we travelled. With that in mind I wonder if something like CLE might not be a great way to get a 'get it done' type course completed on the road while making steady progress with the math. Personally I would aim to get a course at a time all the way done and have fewer subjects to complete when back home.

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