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Geometry A Guided Inquiry

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I'm liking/leaning towards using this textbook for my 9th grader next year.  I contacted Morton Publisher and received a reply that it is now out of print, they are no longer distributing it.


Does anyone know where I can get a better deal than $141 used on Amazon?  Abe Books is about $145.


Frustrating when you've finally narrowed it down to one book, but it is ridiculously expensive!




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Is it possible to purchase from Kolbe, though I'm not enrolling my child for their on-line class?  (Just went on their website and yes you can purchase without being enrolled.  Thank you for pointing me to that direction!)


Yes, I did finally see that Math Without Borders is trying to obtain the publishing rights. 


Glad you loved the textbook, from what I've seen on-line, I really like the approach!



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I think the Math Without Borders man made an arrangement with Morton/the authors to distribute it as an e-text, but I'm not completely sure.

It looks as though Kolbe still has some in stock.


Just as an aside--we loved this textbook!


Emerald Stoker, Did you use this text with MWB geometry? If so please give me a review. I have read some negative reviews of the MWB component. I have no geometry experience and could not be of any help to DD.  I have MWB for Algebra I and really like his education style. I think he is very clear and easy to follow.


My DD is a public student and can't take the WHA class. I am at my wit's end to find a really strong geometry program, I am afraid she will not get that in public school.

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Amazon has it used for $55.65 plus shipping.  Here:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0395131480/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all


What I did was put in the Amazon search box:  Geometry inquiry

and looked to see what showed up.

Thank you perkybunch for the link.  Whenever I entered Geometry A Guide to Inquiry...I got a list of used books starting at $141 !!


Well...after going back and forth on this book, Jurgensens Geometry, and Jacobs, I've FINALLY decided to go with Jacobs.  After that, it was between the 2nd and 3rd edition.


I chose Jacobs 3rd Edition.  I know there are many who prefer Jacobs 2nd as contains more proofs.  However, I read on Dr. Callahan's website, a quote from Harold Jacobs himself regarding the change in proofs and it convinced me that the 3rd Edition would work just fine if not better.  Dr. Callahan is the person that does the DVDs for the course.


I should include that my daughter and I went through Intermediate Logic by Nance, it was basically proofs....many, many!! proofs based on arguments as opposed to geometric problems.  I kept telling my daughter, Geometry is going to be a breeze for you after this :)  With a year of propositional logic under our belt, I felt that we were able to go with the 3rd.  (needless to say, it is difficult to find the teacher's guide and test bank that go with the 2nd)


Another point is that while Jacobs is a Eucledian type of geometry text, it is adding more analytical geometry by having the student draw and see for themselves what it is trying to teach....hence a combination of Eucledian and discovery (or inquiry) geometry.  I like that!!!


Thank you to everyone who posted, no other forum has been so helpful...it's a blessing!!!

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