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Help me think through my line up for next year?

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The other preparing for high school thread got me thinking, but I didn't want to hijack it. Chronologically, DS will be in 8th grade, but when he was in public school he skipped a couple grades. So I'm going to call this coming year 9th for him. Here's what I have been thinking to do. Comments? Other ideas? Please help me think this through.


Math: continue with AoPS for Alg 2


English: I'm thinking about using the Well Trained Mind Academy for writing and literature. He's completed WWS 1 and most of 2 as of now. I was thinking about the Rhetoric class. Committing for a whole year makes me a little nervous. If he does rhetoric and lit, is that 2 credits or 1? If he doesn't do rhetoric I'll have him do WWS 3. He can continue Classical Roots Vocab. That's lit, writing and Vocab. Am I missing anything for a good, solid English class?


History: I'm on the fence about WTM Academy History. I'm leaning more today towards outsourcing the lit and using HoTW at home.


Science: this year we did Mr Q Advanced Chem. It's been fine. Is this series "high school material?" I'd be fine with him doing Mr. Q advanced Bio or Physics next year. He's done it mostly independently. It "gets it done." I'm planning later on to DE science at CC for a better lab experience.


Arabic: we've been using an online self paced program for this. I plan to continue with it.


Latin: He completed GSWL. I'm on the fence about making him continue. He doesn't hate Latin but doesn't really like it either. He did French 1 last year and did well, but hated it and asked to quit. I had him complete the class, but he didn't continue this year.


Is this enough?

He could do more elective classes, but I'm concerned about the workload already. He tends to do better with block scheduling. Fall semester he could do Math and History. Spring he could do Next Math and Science. Arabic and English would go all year. That would then only feel like 4 classes at a time. Unless we do History through WTM Academy. Then History would go all year too. Hmmmm....


He does tae quan do. Would that be better as an extra curricular or PE? Does he *need* PE?

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Curious---what Arabic are you using? BYU using Alif Baa and al-Kitaab?

It's an online shariah program:




It's fantastic. DS and I have been using it for a year or so. The mufti can be a bit wordy sometimes, but his teaching method is solid. Arabic grammar has never made sense to me before these courses.

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I hope you get some answers from more experienced parents - my homeschooler is also going into 9th.  Some thoughts:




Does your state require PE?  We have a requirement for 1.5 credits of PE with our cover school.  I wanted some Health with the PE, so we are going to use Oak Meadow Integrated Health and Fitness for one credit.  Whether you want to use the tae quan do for PE or extra-curricular - I think that is just a personal decision.  My son is going to try for the Congressional Award.  That has a fitness hours requirement, so we will probably use his swimming there instead of in the PE hours.




I hear such great things about the WTM Rhetoric course, but I would be wondering the same thing.  If it is enough work for one credit, then what about literature?

I think that a solid English credit has both writing and literature.  Whether or not you throw some vocab and/or grammar in there seems to depend on the needs of the student.




Mr. Q calls it high school level.  So you shouldn't have any trouble calling it high school level, either.  Whether it is the right program for you and your son is a different issue. 




What is HoTW?  I am guesing that it is  SWB's high school / adult level text.  It sounds like you just need to think about how much outsourcing to do.


Here is how I "read" your credits so far:


Arabic:  1 credit

Science:  1 credit

Math:  1 credit (or more)

English:  1 or 2 credits.  Most people only want to show one credit per year for English, regardless of the amount of work.  But Kolbe Academy calls for two English credits in 9th grade, so it is not unheard of.



Obviously, there is not a right number of credits for 9th grade.  We are planning seven credits, plus a 1/4 credit of Fine Arts.








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Mr. Q Advanced Chem would be the equivalent of a Reg Chem course in high school.  I don't believe the author has an advanced Physics course.  His Advanced Bio is an A&P course so to call it a full bio credit, you may need to incorporate some bio other than A&P from a different resource.  I'm not a bio person, though, so hopefully someone else can chime in. :)

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Mr. Q Advanced Chem would be the equivalent of a Reg Chem course in high school. I don't believe the author has an advanced Physics course. His Advanced Bio is an A&P course so to call it a full bio credit, you may need to incorporate some bio other than A&P from a different resource. I'm not a bio person, though, so hopefully someone else can chime in. :)

Good point. I was thinking there were more mr. Q high school courses! A&P course description says "This high school-level curriculum will provide the student with an introductory look at the anatomy and physiology of the human body." That does strike me as a .5 credit class. Bummer because the advanced chemistry is the perfect level for DS to do almost by himself.

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