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"Boys, we are going to the YMCA for floor hockey. The roads are a bit icy and slippery, so I am going to focus completely on them on the way. Please do not talk to me. I will not be talking to you or answering any question."


During the 7 minute journey...


"Mom, can I floss this weekend?"

"Mom, why is the road icy?"

"Mom, can I take my shoes off?"

"Mom, are we going to the YMCA today?"

"Mom, why do we have half a tank of gas?"

"Mom, is the water at Grandma and Grandpa's cottage going to be cold this summer?"

"Huh? Mom? Am I right? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom?..."





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Planning ahead for flossing on the weekend.




Yes, you have to appreciate a 5 year old this dedicated to oral hygiene.  I just would have appreciated it more if he had brought it up during one of the other many hours we will be spending together between now and the weekend.  Or he could have just assumed that he would be able to floss over the weekend seeing as he has flossed every single night for the last year!!!   :willy_nilly:  



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I think it gives them great pleasure to save up questions for those moments when you really need for them to be quiet! It never fails. Today I told dd5 I needed to make a quick phone call and needed her to give me a few minutes of quiet. I was on the phone less than five minutes total and recieved all of the following questions, plus many I just tuned out:

Mom, did you know Deinosuchus could grow to 35 feet long?!

Mom, can I have some goldfish?

Mom, can I have pasta for dinner? (At 9:00 am)

Mom, do you know where my blue markers all went?

Mom, when the baby is born will he have fingernails?


All of which resulted in Mom? Mom? Why won't you talk to me mom! I REALLY need you to talk to me mom!


Tell me it is just the age. She was so patient when I was in the phone even a few months ago:)

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