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CTC Math

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Ads for this math program have been popping up in my email box for weeks now.  All I can find on the net are reviews given by people who received the product (and probably used it briefly).  If anyone has actually used this for an extended amount of time and was not compensated by free use and/or affiliate, I would greatly appreciate a review.  I have all ages so any level would be helpful.


Thank you - as always!


P.S.  If you received it for free and did an online review, don't be offended.  I believe that your review can be honest.  I just want to hear from those who forked out the money for it to determine if it is good and if they believe it is worth the cost.

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My oldest prefers this over all his other math programs (and we have tried many).  My other two boys also use the program.  I sometimes have to supplement with other resources or work through problems with them, but overall they can usually do several days' worth of assignments without my intervention. 

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I feel the same way! All of those reviews are nice, but kind of skewed, ya know?


Anyway, I have an account (that I purchased! LOL) and signed up a few family friends as well as my own kiddos.


One girl is in Pre Algebra and had a D that was on the verge of falling to an F. In a few weeks' time, she brought that low D up to a C-.


One of the boys is in middle school and has always been a C math student. He is now making A's.


My fourth grader (who was struggling immensely and making D's and the occasional F last year) went into this school year with a higher math score than the entire school district after doing CTC every weekday during the summer.


My second grader was also struggling and headed down the path of her big sister. She is now a very confident A-B math student.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have just started using this curriculum.  I have all my kids using it because with my work schedule I just didn't have time to grade math myself from a traditional math program.  My kids loved teaching textbooks, but this was more affordable.  After using it only a few weeks, I do know that I will have to add in more supplements for my 6 yo so that he can write the numbers.  Also it is sometimes hard for him to count larger numbers like 16, 20 because I don't like him touching the computer screen.  My husband is logged in also and was going to go through the lessons starting in 7th grade to see how it works so we can get a feel for the higher math lessons before our girls get there. 

   All in all we like it the first few weeks and my kids never complain about doing math, which was not the case before!

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