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Organizing the BA workbook pages


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This is just a tidiness question. The perforated pages of the BA workbook have a tendency to fall out, and it would be good for us to keep them for dd's portfolio. I'd also appreciate easier access to the Hints and Answers when I'm helping dd with a worksheet problem.


I'm thinking of just comb binding the workbook and answers separately or keeping worksheets loose and storing completed sheets in a folder. Anyone have a system that works well for them (or do you pages not come out ;))?

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Our pages also never came out. That seems odd. I liked that he could get to the answers himself, which is a very grown up AoPS sort of thing. But if it works for you, so, so many people cut the edges off their books anyway. Beast made it easy for those people by perforating the edges.

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We also don't have trouble with pages falling out. I have pulled the answers out and bound them in my own book of misc school stuff. I know being able to check your own work is very grown up, but my daughter makes a lot of careless mistakes. I like to be able to look over her work and say no, try again without her having the answers.

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Our pages haven't fallen out either, but the workbook covers end up in terrible shape: torn and bent. I am thinking of a file folder type of system, so I may be pulling them out for next year. I don't mind the answers being in the back. Actually, the fact that the answer pages won't be readily accessible is a big reason I keep second-guessing the file folder system. I like being able to flip right to the back to show my son he's doing just fine. He can't stand to struggle with anything, so after a battle, we turn to the back and I show him how he did it just like they did. Well, sometimes he doesn't do it exactly like they do, but he has the same answer, so that's all the matters. :)



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When we start a new workbook, I carefully tear all the pages out of the cover, punch holes in them, and put them in a notebook.  That way I can hand DD a page at a time. 


We have a big notebook for all of Miquon and I think all six workbooks will fit in it.  We do the pages in order, two to four a day.  I put the "done" pages the back of their section of the notebook.

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