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History K-8


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SilverMoon,  Is VP very open and go?  I've briefly looked at it before, but I get confused looking at their web page.  I don't want to do the self-pace.  Is there a 'lesson plan' on the cards.  Do the cards have enough on them to keep the flow and connections of history going?  Do they have map lessons?




ETA: Also, I see there is a TM?  Do you use that, or is it the same as what's on the cards?

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Yes, I think Maptrek is a wonderfully good fit to use alongside any history program, including All Through the Ages which is why I recommended them, but no one can really know what a good fit is for you or what you mean by "I don't want to create my own plans." That can mean very different things to different people. What you consider easy isn't something others can know or determine. I don't think it's hard at all to look through a list of maps labeled by date and region in Maptrek and match them up to living books organized by era and region in All Through the Ages but some people wouldn't want to do that.

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