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If you think foster parents foster for the money..........


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It happened here in IN now. They starved the child.

Didn't the child go to school?  Weren't there visits?  Social worker contact?


Our foster son attends public school---so eyes there 5 days a week.  He has counseling once a week, has 2 different bio parent visits a week, and has contact with his social worker at least every other week.

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I have a cousin that DOES foster for the money, and I don't have a problem with it.  They have several special needs kids and neither of them work.  The foster kids are treated like their kids.   All the kids have been brought to family functions, and I don't think I could pick out the bio kids.  

I think there is a difference between what your cousin does and what most people refer to as "doing it for the money".  In the case you mention, the kids probably do need full time at home parents to care for their needs and the kids are well cared for and loved.  Sadly in some situations, the kids are not loved or cared for but rather just "housed" for the money the foster parents get for them.


We try very hard to treat our foster son as we do our own kids (who were all adopted through foster care).

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