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Counting camping for PE

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I'm putting together a PE credit (or half-credit, depending on how hours work out) for my daughter for this year, so I'm tracking hours in various physical activities/skill building. Activities so far have included time spent swimming, learning to ice skate, and (as of tonight) adding a kickboxing class. Future planned activities for the rest of the semester are renewing her CPR/first aid certification (8 hours) and possibly a 4 week intro to archery class (8 hours total), as well as continuing the above activities. If I need additional hours, she takes 2-4 aikido classes a week, but I'm holding off on including those since that is her major long-term extracurricular (she started classes at age 6 and hopes to earn her black belt before college).


I'd like to count the camping trips she's doing with her Girl Scout troop, but I'm not sure how many hours to allot to each trip. The trips are usually two nights and include at least one hike, setting up/striking camp, outdoor cooking, outdoor safety, etc. This year they've done one weekend trip tent camping to a local nature preserve and have a cold weather camping trip planned next week. If I need it for hours, they are also participating in a district-wide camporee at the beginning of June.


So, if you counted camping toward a PE credit, did you figure hours? If so how many did you include, or did you just include the activity without assigning hours?



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For DD's home designed PE credit I counted hours that she actually spent hiking or rock climbing.

"Camping" alone would not count as PE for me.


For my goals, I see PE as encompassing both actual physical activity (the "physical" part) and learning skills needed to safely and productively lead an active lifestyle (the "education" portion), and I think camping skills fall under that heading. I agree that I wouldn't include it if this was hopping in an RV, eating at restaurants, etc. (the kind of "camping" I'd be likely to want to do  :)) In this situation, the girls are learning outdoor safety, how to properly set up a tent (so it won't flood!) and strike it, planning and preparing meals over a fire and on a camp stove, considerations for cold weather vs warm weather camping, etc as well as going on hikes. Other areas that I have considered including which are not direct physical activity are the CPR/first aid class, basic bike maintenance, the archery class, meditation for stress reduction, and a gun safety class (I'm sure there are other options). I remember a hunting safety class as part of my high school PE class, and a fair amount of time going over the rules of various team sports rather than playing them. 


Out of curiosity, I went looking to see if there are any national standards on PE and found http://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/.


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