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the Aslan - Jesus connection: question

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A friend of mine just called with a theological question that I can't answer. He's just finished reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to his son. Friend, his sister and wife are all wondering now whether Jesus knew before his death that he would be resurrected, because in the book, Aslan indicates that he does know (the old magic).


I vaguely remember that Matthew is concerned about portraying Jesus as the fulfillment of the OT prophesies, and that Jesus says something like, "look for me in three days." I could be completely mis-remembering.


But is it important to us, to Christians, whether Jesus knew or did not know about the resurrection? Does knowing or not knowing make a difference? This is what my friend is asking. I know the hive represents a variety of faith traditions, so please fill me in!


Thanks, all.

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Yes, he did know. We are studying Mark in Sunday school and this morning actually went over the passage in chapter 9 where the transfiguration is discussed. Here are verses 9 and 10 of that chapter:


9 And as they were coming down the mountain, he charged them to tell no one what they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10 So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead might mean.


I am sure there are other references, but this one was fresh on my mind. :001_smile:

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What Jesus knew and what He didn't is a HUGE theological question.


I have always thought He knew. I may be wrong, but I figured He did know. But because He was also Human, that doesn't mean He didn't also suffer anguish on the cross. (And He knew it would be soul wrenching anguish as well).


Mr. Lewis was pretty orthodox C of E, as far as I know. (Course I could be wrong).


Don't really know much, do I?

I shouldn't have said aything!:tongue_smilie:

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