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Eggless cake? Or, where do I find that egg replacer stuff?

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The Snort's birthday is today, but I wasn't planning on having cake tonight because he's allergic to eggs and I made no plans for an eggless cake, although I know such a thing exists. Also we're going to have some friends over for dinner to celebrate, but they are out of town for the weekend so I was saving the celebration for a little later in the week.


I think it was abbeyej who told me about ENRG Egg Replacer? Can I find that at the grocery store? Could I use it to whip up a cake mix so that my girls don't turn mutinous over not having cake on the baby's actual birthday?

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Here is a link to some eggless cake recipes




And here are some options for egg replacement for regular recipes if you cannot find the Ener-G


1 egg = 2 Tbsp. potato starch

• 1 egg = 1/4 cup mashed potatoes

• 1 egg = 1/4 cup canned pumpkin or squash

• 1 egg = 1/4 cup puréed prunes

• 1 egg = 2 Tbsp. water + 1 Tbsp. oil + 2 tsp. baking powder

• 1 egg = 1 Tbsp. ground flax seed simmered in 3 Tbsp. water

• 1 egg white = 1 Tbsp. plain agar powder dissolved in 1 Tbsp. water, whipped, chilled, and whipped again


Happy Birthday to your little one, it's my daughters birthday today too! :D

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Our Kroger usually has egg replacer in the health food section. Also, if you have ground flax seed, you can substitute 1Tbsp. ground flax seeds + 2Tbsp water for 1 egg. I used ENRG egg replacer for years, but then switched to using the flax seed instead... I think it works great.

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I buy mine at Whole Foods /Wild Oats in a box usually in the "health' sections although a local grocer carries it as well in the health food section. I use box cake mix by DHines and use the egg replacer in their recipe for a 13by 9 cake as the layered cakes do not come out of the pans well with the egg replacer. It is great to have for our egg free kiddos.I also add a tsp of vanilla for extra flavor because the eggs add richness notably absent from the recipe made with egg replacer. Be sure you use a fork to really beat the heck out of the powder and water mixture or else the texture is gummy. Happy Bday to your little one

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The Snort's birthday is today, but I wasn't planning on having cake tonight because he's allergic to eggs and I made no plans for an eggless cake, although I know such a thing exists. Also we're going to have some friends over for dinner to celebrate, but they are out of town for the weekend so I was saving the celebration for a little later in the week.


I think it was abbeyej who told me about ENRG Egg Replacer? Can I find that at the grocery store? Could I use it to whip up a cake mix so that my girls don't turn mutinous over not having cake on the baby's actual birthday?


Yes, Ener-G Egg Replacer is sold at my local Kroger in the "natural" foods section, alongside other baking mixes.


*But*, even without it, most commercial cake mixes *will* bake up fairly well without eggs. There are several substitutions you can make with common household ingredients that will work fine. Here are a few. Other options include apple sauce, flax seeds blended with water, other fruit purées... Adding a wee extra pinch of baking powder helps as well, since eggs not only "glue" the batter together, but they leaven as well.


But truly, if you're planning to use a commercial cake mix, almost any of the above substitutes will be just fine and no one will know you left the eggs out! :) Really!


(ETA: I haven't had any trouble getting eggless -- or, for that matter, eggless, gluten-free -- cakes to come out of my layer pans. I do grease and flour [rice flour] the pans first...)

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Just wanted to let y'all know that I tried an egg replacement recipe - water, oil and baking powder. It seemed like the "cakey" thing to do, you know? And I made cupcakes, thinking they would make the most sense for a 1 year old.


They turned out OK. I thought they tasted at little baking-powdery, but probably because I was expecting it. They were very light, and crumbly, and did not hold together very well. I will be posting some pics of Schmooey squishing his into smithereens, as any good boy would do with his first birthday cake! :lol:


Thanks so much for all your help!!!

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They were very light, and crumbly, and did not hold together very well.


Next time do try adding a scoop of apple sauce, mashed banana or other fruit puree to the batter. Also adding a bit of starch (corn starch, potato starch, tapioca flour) can help with holding things together.

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Next time do try adding a scoop of apple sauce, mashed banana or other fruit puree to the batter. Also adding a bit of starch (corn starch, potato starch, tapioca flour) can help with holding things together.


I guess I thought that it would work this way because I was using a cake mix. Silly me. I will be sure to stock up on applesauce. I have had applesauce brownies before and they were yummy! Also it sounded like a good idea to try pumpkin in brownies - mmmm. Just in time for fall, too. :)

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I guess I thought that it would work this way because I was using a cake mix. Silly me. I will be sure to stock up on applesauce. I have had applesauce brownies before and they were yummy! Also it sounded like a good idea to try pumpkin in brownies - mmmm. Just in time for fall, too. :)


You don't need much... But I do find that using a bit of fruit puree (in addition to Egg Replacer, which includes both starch and leavening), replaces a little of the density/moisture in egg-less baking.

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