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Where's the list of stuff to memorize?

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I have a word document I found somewhere years ago which lists people, events, and memory work for the period 1600-1850 . Where did I find it? I need a similar list for the Middle Ages/Renaissance period (I'm not confessing how long it's taken me to get back to the Middle Ages.) Can somebody help me? It's such a handy thing.

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I have the following list for SOTW2: The Middle Ages


The Yamato dynasty was established in Japan in 300 and lasted to 710.

• Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity and convened the first Council

of Nicaea at which the Nicene Creed, a statement of faith was drafted in 325.

• The Roman Empire divided into two parts, the Western and Eastern Empires,

in 385.

• The Anglo-Saxon barbarians started the invasion of Britain in 449. They had

been asked by the king of one of the Celtic tribes, king Vortigern, to help him

fight the other Celts.

• Attila became sole leader of the Huns in 434 after killing his brother. He

was one of the greatest barbarian invaders of the Roman Empire.

• Skandagupta was a ruler of India during the Gupta dynasty. He reigned from

455 to 467 .The time of the Gupta dynasties was one of peace and wealth

and it is often called the the Golden Age of India.

• The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 when the Emperor, Romulus

Augustulus, was taken prisoner by the German King Odovacar. It was the

start of what is called the Dark Ages.

• Justinian the Great reigned the Eastern Roman Empire, later known as the

Byzantine Empire, from 527 to 565.

• Clovis reigned over the Franks and the Merovingian dynasty from 485-510.

During his reign he converted and became a Catholic.

• In 597, St. Augustine was sent from Rome by Pope Gregory the Great to

convert the Saxons to Christianity.

• The Sui Dynasty in China lasted from 519 – 618 and the Tang Dynasty from

618 – 907. At the time, the Tang dynasty was the most powerful empire in

the world.

• The prophet Mohammed founded the religion called Islam in 610 after seeing

a vision in which the Archangel Gabriel told him to preach about one god,

who was called “Allahâ€.

• Tariq bin Ziyad led the conquest of Visigothic Hispania in 711.

• Charlemagne unified most of Europe under his rule. While attending Mass in

Rome, he was unexpectedly crowned “Emperor of the Romans†by Pope Leo

III in 800.

• The first Maoris arrived in New Zealand in 800.

• King Alfred the Great, from the royal house of Wessex, came to the English

throne in 871 and reigned to his death in 899.

• The Norse explorer, Leif Erricson sailed to North America in 1000.

• William of Normandy crossed the English Channel from France and defeated

British King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. William was crowned

King of England, and became known as William the Conqueror.

• Pope Usrban II called on Christian leaders to free the Holy Land from the

Muslims and launched the first Crusade in 1096.

• Genghis Khan crossed the Wall of China and conquered Peking in1214.

• The Incas were a Peruvian empire extending from northern Ecuador to

central Chile in South America.

• King John of England signed the Magna Carta, the Great Charter of English

rights in1215.

• Marco Polo, his father and uncle took three years to reach China in 1275.

They traveled along the silk route.

• The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th

through the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later

spreading to the rest of Europe.

• Mansa Musa ruled Mali from 1312 to 1337.

• The Black Death is sometimes called the worst disaster in history. It was

caused by an illness called the bubonic plague that spread through Asia and

Europe in the mid 1400’s.

• Prince Henry was called the Navigator because he encouraged Portuguese

Sailors to explore the coast of Africa.

• St. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431.

• Ivan the Great became the ruler of Russia in 1462.

• The Wars of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York took place between 1455 and 1487.

• Gutenberg printed the Bible on his printing press in Mainz Germany in1456.

• The Ottoman Turks captures Constantinople in 1453.

• Bartolomeu Dias planted three crosses around the coast of southern Africa

in 1488

• Vasco de Gama was a Portuguese navigator and explorer who discovered an

ocean route from Portugal to India.

• Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the Wittenberg church door in 1517.

• Hernán Cortés conquered the Incas in 1519.

• Ivan the Terrible becomes tsar of Russia in 1533.

• Copernicus published On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres in1543.

• Pope Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545 to discuss the beliefs of

the Catholic Church and how they differed from the Protestant church.

• In 1558, Akbar became emperor of the Mogul Empire when he was14 years


• When Queen Mary died, Elizabeth 1 became queen of England in 1558.

• William Shakespeare is born in 1564.

• Mary, queen of Scots, was imprisoned in England in1567

• Sir Francis Drake sailed past the Cape in the Golden Hind in 1580

• Sir Walter Raleigh founded the first colony on Roanoke Island in 1585.

• Spanish Armada was defeat by the English in 1588.


You can find memory cards to go along with these at the file section of this yahoo group.

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Wow, Hannah, these are amazing. I just joined your group and downloaded the SOTW1 file and I am going to print this out and use it right away. The memory cards are beautiful. We just have to finish up with Alexander the Great and Rome but this will be very worthwhile to use to review all we have learned, then when we start SOTW2 we will go from the beginning with your Middle Ages file and cards. No more envy of those Veritas Press cards, these work much better for our family. I hugely appreciate all the work this must have involved and your freely sharing of this. Thanks!

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Wow, that is an impressive list. Thank you so much for putting it here. Do you have a list of quotations or poems or writings kids might put to memory from this period? In my 1600-1850 list, it suggested memorizing parts of the Common Sense, the Declaration, and the Constitution.

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Wow, that is an impressive list. Thank you so much for putting it here. Do you have a list of quotations or poems or writings kids might put to memory from this period? In my 1600-1850 list, it suggested memorizing parts of the Common Sense, the Declaration, and the Constitution.


I'm afraid I can't help you with those.

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Is there a list like that for 1600 to 1850?


Beth, I am sorry I cannot past my list here--it is 2000 characters too long, even after I deleted the text of the documents! My list doesn't look longer than Hannah's; how did she get hers in here?


Can someone tell me how I can place this word document where Beth can see it? I have no idea.

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Is there a list like that for 1600 to 1850?


Can someone tell me how I can place this word document where Beth can see it? I have no idea.


You could split it into two posts. Copy and paste the top half of the list in your Word document to one post and then continue the bottom half in the next post


if you like, you can add it to the file section at this yahoo group.

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Ok, I guess I need more sleep.

Here you go Beth. A list of stuff to remember about 1600 to 1850. Quite America-centered. I'm really sorry I can't credit whoever compiled this. I decided to leave off the US Presidents & their dates, as that can be found so easily.


1600 British East India Company founded

1602 Dutch East India Company founded

1607 Jamestown founded

1620 the Mayflower

early American settlements

Native American cultures

1618-1648 30 Years War

1637 Japan isolates itself from the world

1650-1750 the Enlightenment

1663-1699 Ottoman Turks invade Europe

1665 Newton discovers gravity

1670 Hudson Bay Company founded

1682-1725 Russia under Peter the Great

1700-1800 the agricultural revolution

1733 Georgia founded

1757--the British in India

1756-1763 Seven Years War

1750-1850 Industrial revolution

1756-1763 British-French conflict in Canada

1762-1796 Catherine the Great

1768-1771 James Cook

1773 Boston Tea Party

1775-1783 the American Revolution

1776 Declaration of Independence

1780’s Watt invents the Steam Engine

1787 Constitution is written

1789- 1799 the French Revolution

1803 Louisiana Purchase

1804 Lewis and Clark

1825 Erie Canal opens up

1838 Cherokee “Trail of Tears”

1804-1815 the Napoleonic Wars

1812 War of 1812

1825 Simón Bolívar in South America

1836 siege of the Alamo

1837-1901 Queen Victoria rules

1845 Texas and Florida become States

1824 Australia’s beginnings as a penal




1603 Champlain

1609 Henry Hudson

1588-1657 William Bradford

1599-1658 Cromwell, Oliver

1600-1649 Charles I


1638-1715 Louis XIV

1672-1725 Peter I

1706-1790 Franklin, Ben

1729-1796 Catherine II “the Great”

1728-1779 Cook, James

1732-1799 Washington, George

1731-1802 Washington, Martha

1734-1820 Boone, Daniel

1735-1818 Revere, Paul

1735-1826 Adams, John

1736-1799 Henry, Patrick

1743-1866 Jefferson, Thomas

1747-1792 Jones, John Paul

1757-1834 Lafayette, Marquis de

1758-1831 Monroe, James

1767-1845 Jackson, Andrew

1768-1813 Tecumseh

1769-1821 Napoleon I

1783-1830 Bolivar, Simon

1786-1884 Sacagawea

1786-1836 Crocket, Davey

1809-1865 Lincoln, Abraham

1818-1863 Marx, Karl

1819-1901 Queen Victoria

1832-1890 Black Hawk

1834-1890 Sitting Bull

1846-1917 Buffalo Bill


1678 1741 Vivaldi & Corelli

1685 1759 Handel

1685 1750 Bach

1756 1791 Mozart

1770 1827 Beethoven

1804 1849 Strauss, Sr.

1810 1849 Chopin

1813 1901 Verdi

1825 1899 Strauss, Jr.

1840 1893 Tchaikovsky




1573-1610 Caravaggio

1577-1640 Rubens

1599-1641 Dyck

1599-1660 Velásquez

1598-1680 Bernini

1606-1669 Rembrandt

1632-1675 Vermeer


1684-1721 Watteau, Jean-Antoine

1697-1764 Hogarth, William

1732-1806 Fragonard, Jean-Honore

1738–1815 John Singleton Copley


1748-1825 Jacques Louis David


1776-1837 Constable

1785-1851 Audubon, John James


1819-1877 Courbet


Scientists & Inventors

1564-1642 Galileo

1596-1650 Descartes, Rene

1571-1630 Kepler

1627-1691 Boyle, Robert

1642-1727 Newton

1736-1819 Watt, James

1745-1827 Volta, Alessandro

1765-1825 Eli Whitney

1765-1815 Fulton, Robert

1765-1833 Niepce, Joseph

1837 Morse, Samuel



William Blake

William Wordsworth

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Elizabeth Barret Browning

Edward Lear

Christina Rossetti


Classic Literature

Robinson Crusoe

Gulliver’s Travels

Pilgrim’s Progress

The Hunchback of Notre Came

Les Misérables

The Three Musketeers

Great Expectations

Oliver Twist

Through the Looking-Glass

Alice in Wonderland

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

20,000 Leagues under the Sea

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

Moby Dick



Major Wars







English Civil War

Thirty Years’ War

War of League of Augsburg

Great Northern War

War of Spanish Succession

War of Polish Succession

War of Austrian Succession

Seven Years’ War

American Revolution

Napoleonic Wars

Greek War of Independence

Mexican-American War

Crimean War






















































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