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Genetics & DNA Science Unit?

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Do any of you know of a good science unit on Genetics and DNA?  I thought I found one and bookmarked the site, but now I can't seem to find it.  I don't have a preference on whether or not it's Christian or secular.  I have materials to compensate for secular.


I'm not looking for a full curriculum, just a unit study.  I've checked Mr. Q (that's where I thought I found the one I wanted), but he just seems to have a unit on cells within his Life Science curriculum.  I've also checked Ellen McHenry with no luck.  MBTP has one, but it doesn't look like the one I found originally.  However, if any of you have used it and think it's good for a 6th grader, I may get that one.


OOOOhhhhh I hate when I can't remember stuff like this.....between menopause and encroaching old age kicking in my mind is mush.  Any help or suggestions?


EDITED TO ADD: I just checked Critical Thinking Co., and they don't have a specific unit study for this either. 


ALSO, DD just told me today while grocery shopping that she wants to study Botany in relation to herbal medicine!!!  Okay....where do I find a botany (which she has never been interested in before) unit that specializes in the natural medicinal property of northeastern plants.  Looks like I may be cobbling something together for THAT one....life is never easy....

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Here is one that I've put together and plan to use later this year:



  • Gregor Mendel: Father of the Science of Genetics by Harry Sootin
  • The Code of Life by Alvin and Virginia Silverstein
  • Science Wiz DNA Kit (Amazon)
  • The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix by James D. Watson (This would be for students who want more of this topic.)

Resources for Genetics:

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Here is one that I've put together and plan to use later this year:



  • Gregor Mendel: Father of the Science of Genetics by Harry Sootin
  • The Code of Life by Alvin and Virginia Silverstein
  • Science Wiz DNA Kit (Amazon)
  • The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix by James D. Watson (This would be for students who want more of this topic.)

Resources for Genetics:



Thanks so much for sharing your plan.  I've saved the two links you provided.  I've changed the Mendel book to Gregor Mendel and the Roots of Genetics (Oxford Portraits in Science) because it's easily accessible in our local library. 


Thanks for your help.


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Thanks everyone for your help.  This is what I have put together for our Genetics/DNA unit:


Extra Reading:

Edited to Add: 

  • DVD - DNA by Design, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer
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