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copyright info?

Pamela H in Texas

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I know this really nice mom who has a great idea for a curriculum.  She is also busy with a lot of little kids (see signature) and knows NOTHING about copyright law :)  


The curriculum references other works. Just for example, it would be a lot like the Five in a Row curriculum (not using books, but the same idea where there are activities and discussion based on another person's works).  Another example (again, not it, but...), if you were to do a fine arts curriculum based on Pixar movies, would there be copyright considerations when referencing the movies? 


We were at a homeschool camping trip not long ago when I was talking to another mom when it just hit me.  She agreed it would be a great idea.  But I said then and since that I'm just too busy.  And yet.....I think it could be a lot of fun, not necessarily only for homeschoolers.  So now I'm thinking, well, it might take me awhile to work it up, but maybe I could.  But when I told my big kids, my son said he didn't think I could use the other works (mostly modern, not like public domain books).  I was sure there would be a way, but I'm unsure if it is really an issue in this context or how.  



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I've wondered the same thing.  People have often encouraged me to write my curriculum and sell it.  Honestly, though, I came up with very little of it on my own.  I got an idea here and an idea there and put it all together.  There's no way I could figure out where it all came from.

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