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Tomorrow me and the fam are goin' to check out Mrs. Palin - Woot!

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Ok. I haven't been here in over a month. Schools started and I've been swamped. But I just knew I was missing out on some great political posts at the Hive Mind - you gals (and guys) didn't disappoint.


Anyway, I'm thrilled by what transpired today. My family has had VIP passes to the McCain rally for over a week, but it wasn't until today that I've actually felt excited to attend. Maybe I've been pandered (in the words of Phred), but I don't care. I'm so proud that a mom of many (like myself and many of you) could actually be voted into one of the highest offices in the country (and deservedly so, based on her impressive track record).


In the words of Michelle Obama (albeit paraphrased) for the first time in my life I'm really proud to be a REPUBLICAN.


I'm starting an organization - MOMS OF MANY FOR MCCAIN - taking new members.


Peace out to my fellow conservatives,


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I'm starting an organization - MOMS OF MANY FOR MCCAIN - taking new members.


Peace out to my fellow conservatives,



I'll join you in this!!!! ENjoy tomorrow and please report back!!!!


I've been looking up how to see her speak here in MI. Still searching . . .


ETA!!!! Just got tickets for the entire fam . . . Sept 5!!!!! Woohoo!!!

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Have fun at the rally! Keep us posted! I only have 3 ds...but I'm on board!


After all, anyone who has more than 1.3 kids in our weird society is now considered a huge family.


Seriously, I think all moms, no matter how many kids, should be inspired. And now my daughter sees a competent, honest, tenacious, and vibrant woman who's also a mommy running for one of our nation's highest office. Today's a good day for conservatives.

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