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Calling Dr. Hive...Intermittent ear pain?


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Ds has had pain in one ear for about 5 days. I have been putting an OTC ear drop in at bedtime. The pain is very intermittent. Just when I think we should head to the dr., it seems fine. Should I continue with OTC, or take him to the doctor?

Also, he is a swimmer. I have not let him swim since this started.


Is it time for a doctor visit?

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I don't have much knowledge with ear issues other than what I've personally experienced so I'll just throw it out there since it took me a few months to figure out what my intermittent ear pain in one ear was from.  Hopefully it is his issue because its an easy fix.  Does you ds get tonsil rocks?  Google it,  its essentially a build of calcified material that builds up in the crevices of tonsils.  Not everyone gets them and if you do they generally don't cause any issues.  But for me if I get one stuck in a very specific crevice my right ear starts hurting.  It goes away almost immediately after removing the tonsil rock. I clean me tonsils daily so they don't build up because the ear pain can get quite awful.


Just thought I'd throw that out there as something to check before going to the dr.

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