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SNow ideas anyone? For a library program...

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I was thinking of how ice is used to make roads drivable by lowering the freezing point of water. Maybe you could sprinkle rock salt on a bowl filled with ice and leave another one plain for comparison.

If you have a town road salt depot, you might see if the public works folks will give you a little bit of road salt to pass around. I remember thinking that it was really interesting, much larger than I'd expected.

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Snowflake Bentley is a beautiful book and I am sure it will inspire some science ideas. The book is a true story of a man who was determined to take pictures of snowflakes. You could hand out sheet for starting rock candy crystals at home. You could cut out snowflakes. Most crystal projects take time and would be difficult to do in an hour library program. You could take inexpensive microscopes and let the kids look at slides through them.

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If you have snow you could fill up two cups at the beginning of the program one with water and one with snow. Mark the levels on the cups. At the end of the program check the cups again and find out what the levels the water and snow are at and talk about what has happened.


This is from the HOAC lapbook on snow. We wanted to do this one but we really haven't had snow this year.

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