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What is wrong with my thumb??

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All of a sudden last night, I felt the serious need to pop the knuckle in my thumb. It hurt SO bad, but felt like if I popped it, it would feel better. Well, this morning it is swollen, red around the knuckle area, and hot to the touch. I can use it for typing and stuff, but it still feels like it needs to pop. Could it be dislocated? Broken? What is going ON with this thumb of mine??

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All of a sudden last night, I felt the serious need to pop the knuckle in my thumb. It hurt SO bad, but felt like if I popped it, it would feel better. Well, this morning it is swollen, red around the knuckle area, and hot to the touch. I can use it for typing and stuff, but it still feels like it needs to pop. Could it be dislocated? Broken? What is going ON with this thumb of mine??


A sudden flare-up with redness and swelling sounds like a gout attack. Not as common in the thumb, but possible. Take a moderate dose of Advil or Motrin regularly for a few days and see if that helps.

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