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Need a children's book rec about why we have a 24 hour day and 365 day year


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Genesis chapters 1 and 2 of the Bible outline it very clearly.  (Chapter 2 is not a separate event; it's expounding chapter 1 in more detail.)  Science (astronomy) confirms the events of Genesis 1 and 2.... IOW, there are no contradictions.  Unless of course you believe that once upon a time the days were much longer than 24 hours, and that the sun, moon, and stars have nothing to do with the 24-hour day OR the changing of the seasons that occur at the same time every 365-day year. ;)  Every climate around the world has its own "season" which occurs at the same time every year.

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There are some really good ones, but one of my favorites is part of the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out-About-Science series.

It is called Sunshine Makes the Seasons, has great pictures, and even a model the kids can demo with a pencil, a flashlight, and an orange:)



ETA: the Gail Gibbons book Reason for the Seasons is also fantastic:



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Many of the free vintage geography textbooks cover this quite nicely, even if they contain other outdated material.


"Home geography" and "Primary Geography" can be used about grades 2-4. "Elementary geography" and "Complete Geography" for about grades 5-10.


I just skip the parts I don't want to use. As for the "5 races of men" and "savage" stuff, I go over that once about middle school level, because that was taught to ALL children and it's necessary for students to understand the vocabulary used in literature written during that period.

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