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Spicing things up during the school day

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We have be chugging along with school...WWE3, FFL4, SOTW with lots of supplements, HTTS, etc.  Things are fine.  Oldest is learning.  BUT we would like to make school a bit more fun.  Not so much sitting.  How does one do this?  I know some people do units and all subjects tie into the unit, though I'm not really sure how to go about it or if it would be more fun.  Thoughts, please.  Suggestions?

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You could just do other things (SOTW AG projects, art projects, etc.) on Friday.  Doesn't seem like you need to add on unit studies when you already have cool stuff.  Just pick the projects that go with what you already have and do them once a week.  Art, history, literature (LitWits), there are plenty of projects out there to go with your stuff.  We also have cookie day once a week, where dd is allowed to make cookies if her school work is on track...

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Check out the "relaxed math" thread.


Do more hands on projects for SOTW? We always like the various hands on history type books such as the Amazing Projects You Can Build Yourself Series and the For Kids history books (there are others as well).


Play more games - lots of suggestions in the math thread, but you can also do Bananagrams, Mad Libs, Timeline (great history card game), Cardline (great geography and zoology games), You've Been Sentenced, Quiddler, etc.


Make a field trip day.


Take more nature walks or start a nature collection. Get binoculars. The book The Nature Connection is a good basic, inexpensive guide.

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