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Rhetoric Writing


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Can you tell I'm on the hunt for a writing programme for my 11 year old? ;)


I'm looking at Rhetoric Writing, which I've looked at previously & really like the look of, but I'm just not certain as to where to put my child. He'd be straddling the 4/5 grade range. I see that the curriculum is designed to do more then 1 book in a year, in fact unless I misunderstand it looks like 2. I'm confused by that because if each lesson is meant to be done in a week & there are 11 lessons it seems as thought you'd actually need 3 books, but maybe I missed something & each lesson should be done over 1.5 - 2 weeks?


Anyone use this? Any recommendations based on my child's grade? I'm actually leaning with starting him in book 1, especially since one can accomplish more then one book in a year, but I'm curious, from those who've used it, if they've actually been able to finish more then that in a given year?

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Do you mean Writing and Rhetoric from Classical Academic Press? They suggest staggering weeks/lessons of writing with a grammar program, so two books is sufficient. Also, the lessons vary in length. We blasted through some in a day (precocious writer), but others needed stretched out more.

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Yes, that's the one I mean, sorry for the confusion.. Writing & Rhetoric. :)


Ahh, gotcha on the Grammar thing. Our Grammar is simplistic & takes little time, but I do like the idea that it's not attempting to cram things in. I have one who can write well & tends to excel at writing assignments where another one curls up in a ball & screams, "I'll clean my room instead!" ;)

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