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Reading Questions


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I know my son is young to be asking this about really in the scheme of things (he turned five in May), but we haven't really made any progress in reading/blending.  I tried to start Phonics Pathways this year, but he couldn't even blend the two sounds so I took it back to the library.  I decided he still needed some work on letter sounds so we started the AAR Pre-level about 3-4 weeks ago.  Its going well, he actually likes it (though has had a hard time rhyming).  Additionally we have been reading the I am Sam readers (we got to about 7-8) and then this week we were going back to one and reading one a day.  So, yesterday, we were reading the word am.  I was helping him blend (he really just wants to guess) and we're saying aaaammmm and then he continues on with the sounding on his own and guesses mat.  He does wear glasses and has an astigmatism (in both eyes).  I have made him an appointment with the ophthalmologist (he has only ever been to an optometrist) to check out his eyes sometimes turning in.  Maybe he needs to go to the doctors that also do vision therapy.  Maybe he just needs to mature?  


I have a hard time being patient, both of my other two I taught to read using 100 Easy Lessons (but that didn't work for Paul and looking at it again I'm not sure it would work right now either) and they were reading well before Kindergarten.  And I'm trying not to jump all over the place since we just started the AAR.  I mean, i didn't learn to read until the end of kindergarten (and was chosen to be part of a group to learn to read early, mid-80s).  So I don't want to stress him out if he's not ready.  But if there is something wrong it seems like it would be good to start working n it now.


Advice?  Encouragement?  All accepted!

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Blending is developmental. One of mine did it at 5.5, the other at barely 4.


Can he blend when not reading? As in if you say, "try to put these sounds together...mmmm...aaaa....tttt" can he respond with, "mat?"


I practice blending like that with my pre-readers. Action words are fun, "when you put the word together do the action." Hop, sit, cry, fall, crawl, jump, walk.


If he can do it perfectly orally but not when looking at letters, the eyes may be to blame. But if he can't do it orally then he's just not blending yet.

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Put it away for 3 or 4 months and try again. If it clicks, great.  If not, put it away for another 3 to 4 months. Keep up that pattern until it does click.  My oldest learned to read fluently (like an adult) by age 5.  Middle didn't start learning to read until she was almost 8. She could read fluently (like an adult) by age 11.  My youngest didn't start learning to read until she was 6. She doesn't read like an adult yet.

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