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Analytical Grammar fail

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DS struggled with AG last year.  We would go back through the material and then I either retyped the ones that he got wrong and had him redo them or had him do them on the white board.  We also took significantly longer to complete each lesson than is suggested.   

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I would probably just re-use the same sentences, or copy the same sentence structure and substitute other details, then go through them together.   Even though each lesson contains just 10 sentences, I have found that it's a LOT of work.   I would probably do 3 together, then let the child do 1-2 on their own, then repeat the next day and for several days until there is some mastery.   


When my kids have failed a test (in any subject), I usually hand write or re-type the exact same test and give it to them again, after we've worked through the material together to the point that I know they've mastered it.

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I'm having to slow AG way down for dd11 after she failed her first test.  Which really isn't an issue since we've got all year to get through the first season.  Regarding the first test failure, I went back and went over the concept with her again, then just pulled sentences randomly from other sections of the book and wrote them on the white board for us to go through together.  I used several other sentences to re-test her.


As for moving forward with the program I've found that breaking each practice page down into two days has helped tremendously.  On the first day of the practice page she only parses the specific part of speech that was introduced that week and then we check and correct.  On the second day of the practice page she parses all the other parts of speech she's gone over up to that point.   I do the same with the tests...breaking them into two days and focusing on that weeks topic on the first day.   It's going much better now. 

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You also need to remember that the test that they fail, those topics will be consistently reinforced in the following lessons. For example one of mine failed the test on nouns, adjectives, and articles. I pointed out to her that she did poorly and needed to try just a bit harder to identify the nouns. The next week the lesson was on pronouns, lo and behold, she was easily able to identify all of the nouns articles and adjectives, while she struggled through pronouns. She did much better on the second test after I told her she could have 2 days to work on it.


Also keep in mind that the tests are supposed to be open notes. I allow mine to look in their notes as much and as often as they need to.

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We do one lesson in two weeks' time. I also give him the tests somewhat open-book. I let him look back on the diagram structures and notes to check and make sure he has done them correctly. We are nearly done with season two, and it is just.so.much to remember. He fully knows the grammar, but sometimes, those sentences are so complex. I have him do the parsing, then the diagramming, then he can check the notes to gauge whether he did the diagram correctly, then I grade it. That has only been in the last few lessons though. Up until that point he did them all closed-book.


I would, as others have suggested, just have him re-diagram the ones he missed, perhaps rewritten with a similar structure. Have him go over his mistakes and see what he missed, then re-do. 

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