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Must-reads From Long Ago

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Ds (8) has been having a Harry Potter summer. He started with the books and is now on the movies and full time discussion part. Seeing how much he is loving it, I made a mental note to remember to introduce the series to ds (5 & 3) when they turn 8 respectively. That got me thinking that there must be other books that were must-reads for this age bracket before Rowling came about. What are they? What did you or your dh read as eight year olds?

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Chronicles of Narnia.

Wrinkle in Time, yes. I actually LOVED Many Waters, but had to mature before I could enjoy A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

Phantom Tollbooth.

Anything by E.B. White

Anything by E. Nesbit

Anything by Edward Eager (a little lighter than E. Nesbit, very derivative, but excellent reading anyway)

Anything by Elizabeth Enright

Anything by Carol Ryrie Brink (most famous for Caddie Woodlawn, but she wrote many other hilarious books)

Anything by Meindert de Jong

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Thanks. Looking online to order now. Dh and I were raised in families that only allowed religious books, so this is all new territory for me.


Oh my goodness, you have such a treat in front of you.


Almost all of what I listed should be available in any decent public library.


Here are some additional suggestions from my mother:

Harriet the Spy

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

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The trilogy by Jean Craighead George of:


My Side of the Mountain

On the Far Side of the Mountain

Frightful's Mountain 


are not-to-be-missed boy books at maybe about 9 - 10 years old.


Also, go through the Newberry Medal and Newberry Honor books.  These date from 1922 and are various reading level.  One of my sons had a goal to read every Newberry Medal book. He nearly made it but some of the newer books seemed darker (heavy life issues) and he aged out of the books. Would be a fun goal though! 



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