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Tennessee students: TNPromise site is open

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Are we sure the TN Promise scholarship will be available to most homeschoolers in TN?


Since a LOT of TN homeschoolers are not registered with local school districts but instead with private schools (as satellite campuses), it looks as though they would not be eligible.


I hope I'm wrong about this - we would love to apply for this scholarship for DS!

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Everything I've read so far does not exclude homeschooled students.  I applied for the scholarship for my daughter this morning.  There is an option (a drop down menu) for selecting homeschool.  Once you select homeschool, a list of schools shows up in another drop down menu.  Our umbrella (Home Life Academy) was listed.  

TNAchieves may not have updated their information yet.  The original TNAchieves program WAS limited to public school students within Knox County.  TNPromise has a much wider scope.  I will try to find the article or documentation I read (I don't remember now where I saw it) that addressed non-public schooled students.  In TN, if you aren't registered as a homeschooler with the PS district, then you should be under an umbrella.  An umbrella is legally a private school.  So, unless they plan to exclude all private school students from this program, then I don't see how they can legally exclude homeschoolers.  

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Ok, I found this:  


"To be eligible to receive a Tennessee Promise Scholarship, a 

student must:
• Be a Tennessee resident
• Graduate from an eligible Tennessee high school, complete 
a Tennessee home school program, or, prior to reaching 19 
years of age, obtain a GED or HiSET diploma
• Enroll in an eligible college or program and attend full-time 
the fall after graduation (students attending a TCAT may 
enroll the summer following their high school graduation)
• Complete the Tennessee Promise application at www.
• Meet all deadlines and requirements before enrolling"
This is on page 6 of the TNPromise handbook: http://www.tnpromise.gov/pdf/TNPromiseHandbook080514.pdf
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