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Funerals and cell phones

Violet Crown

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Do I even need to spell out where this is going?


So you're walking into a church, dear tourist. Something in your brain should be saying, Turn off your cell phone.


And you see a service is in progress. That's okay, it's a downtown historic church, folks stumble into services a lot. Hm, that voice saying, Turn off your phone! is getting louder.


Oh, the service is a funeral! But you're sticking around? Okay. Anything you might want to do, there in the back? Like, turn off your cell phone?


Oh dear, and now it's ringing. With a loud, peppy pop-song ringtone. What a pity this funeral is a sung high mass, almost silent except for the priest praying in quiet Latin and the choir softly chanting. And your cell phone. Oh good, you finally found it and turned it off. Thank you.


And ten minutes later, it goes off again. And you jump up and flee outside. Can't really blame you.


Why is this concept so hard?

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When I was in college I attended a historic church. Sometimes I'd usher. When services started we'd stand at the entrance and inform tourists they were welcome to come and join the service, but they couldn't walk through at that time. Some people got beligerent.

Our ushers intercept the tourists with cameras/phones out and smilingly remind them not to photograph services in progress; and evict the drunks.

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