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About to purchase Rightstart Math- do I have everything, before I place my order?

Annie Laurie

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Not clear how many abacuses you are talking about, but I found it handy to have one myself. I'd be inclined to get three altogether.

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I'm not sure what is included in the B starter kit. When I bought my manipulative kit, I bought the whole kit'n'caboodle all at one time. You referred to 'math card games,' if you mean the math cards then, yes, you need to buy that if it isn't included in the starter kit. If you mean the card game book, you don't really need that until Level C.


When I first used RS they didn't have the CD's, plus my kids are all two years apart so it isn't a big deal for me to buy the worksheets but if you are teaching two at the same time, it might be worth your while to buy the CD's. I'm not sure how much they cost.

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You need an extra abacus and extra worksheets! Or instead of extra worksheets, you may want to purchase the CD which has all of the worksheets and the appendix sheets, from what I remember (I worked the RS booth at our convention this year).


The math games book is handy, but not necessary until level C. You will need the math cards though, I believe (I might be wrong, but I seem to remember using some of the cards in level B). I currently don't have a child in level B, so my memory might be fuzzy!

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