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Precalc with Derek Owens or College Algebra/Trig at the community college

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My son is getting ready to start 10th grade, wants to go into engineering, and is chomping at the bit to go to the local community college to get ahead. Very self motivated.

Here's my dilemma. I want him to be VERY prepared with his math. He is a semester "Off" schedule, meaning he'll be finishing algebra 2 this fall. I can either have him take Derek Owens' Precalc class online (he's used DO for Geom and Alg 2 and it works great) OR take College Alg in the spring at the community college. The advisor at the college says he should take the college alg, but I also know there are financial gains for bringing in new students so I don't fully trust his advice.

So what advice would you give? (He'll be taking Spanish 1 at the cc in the fall, so by spring he'll be used to the campus/college workload.)



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I'm not sure what college algebra covers but I would not want to miss out on pre-calc.

I've read on these forums that pre-calc = college algebra + trig.


OP, does the CC have a followup trig course after the college algebra course?

I would compare the topics of the courses with Derek Owens topics, plus research about the specific texts uses in the CC.


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I've read on these forums that pre-calc = college algebra + trig.


OP, does the CC have a followup trig course after the college algebra course?

I would compare the topics of the courses with Derek Owens topics, plus research about the specific texts uses in the CC.


It's most common to have college algebra (one semester) and then precalc (one semester) although sometimes it's called trigonometry.


The rest of my response is on the other thread already.

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My son did both!  He took the College Algebra course at the local CC and everything else with Derek Owens (including pre-calc - we didn't realize how much overlap there was.  But, it was a great way to cement everything!).  He went through AP calc with DO.  FWIW - he tested into honors calc 2 in college at an engineering school!!  So, Derek's courses prepare you well!


If your son is very well-motivated, could he condense DO's classes into one semester?

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