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Proud Momma Moment

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We're in 4H, mostly the Dairy Cattle program. We started that 8 yrs ago, cause 2nd ds LOVED the cows. My dds have joined their older brother for the ride. We've done Diary Bowl, Dairy Judging, and showed heifers for these 8 years.




And today, oldest dd won FIRST PLACE in our state 4H Dairy Judging Competition!!




Woo hoo!!!





The top 25 go back next week to judge color breeds (today was Holsteins), and the top 12 are chosen for three teams that each go to three national compeitions in the fall. Dd has her eye on either of a couple of them. :)



I never imagined when we started all this that this is where we'd be today!

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So you'll be putting ol' Daisy in a trailer and hauling her and her hay across the country? Wow, that's more of a commitment than I can imagine doing. ;)I salute your willingness to let your kids follow their bliss.


I hope they will 'rise up and praise you at the gates' so to speak. :001_smile:


And congrats to the young 'uns! That's quite a high bar to reach.

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So you'll be putting ol' Daisy in a trailer and hauling her and her hay across the country? Wow, that's more of a commitment than I can imagine doing. ;)I salute your willingness to let your kids follow their bliss.


I hope they will 'rise up and praise you at the gates' so to speak. :001_smile:


And congrats to the young 'uns! That's quite a high bar to reach.





But... oh, no, Daisy gets to stay home for this one. At judging competitions,the kids judge OTHER cows (that are already there for dairy shows, but the judging competition is done the first day).

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