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Anyone have a successful pregnancy with Ashermans?


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Hello Hive!


I had stage III/IV Ashermans Syndrome following the delivery of baby #3.  Basically the walls of my uterus scarred together completely.  In my case I had retained placenta that required two D&C's.  My Ob said I would never have more kids.  Two fertility specialists later and 4+ surgeries my period returned to normal and my fertility doctor said he felt I would be able to conceive without any medical intervention.  The surgeries I had done were all to just restore my uterus and my period.   A year passed following the surgeries and we just figured we would not be able to have more children.    Then one day I realized I was late, confirmed with a pregnancy test and on Sunday will finally hit the 3 month milestone!


My biggest questions if you have experienced this is what risks or complications did you deal with?  I can't say my doctors ever gave me a lot of info regarding risks with pregnancy after treatment for Ashermans.  I know that most scar tissue has been removed except a small percent in one corner.  Earlier in the pregnancy I asked about risk and when I would be "out of the woods" so to speak.  My OB didn't have an answer.  Yesterday I had an ultrasound and my OB seemed much more positive and pointed out I'm closing out the first trimester and that was a great sign but we'd have risks of preterm labor and beginning with 20 weeks I'll require weekly/monthly ultrasounds.  (to monitor baby size)


I feel as though I've been holding my breath the whole pregnancy thus far and hearing of the preterm labor risks made me feel as though I'll be holding my breath the entire pregnancy.  What's a girl to do besides turn to google and figure out the risks, right??  So, in what I read from many sources my risks start around 14 weeks with the potential that the cervix will start shortening and can require dr. intervention.  It seems as though preterm labor is quite common in the 20-24 week range with Ashermans and many complications with the placenta are common.   I am currently on 800mg of Progesterone daily and will be off of it completely July 17th which will put me around 14 weeks.


I have a visit with the OB nurse in two weeks to discuss any questions I have.  I'm working on a list of questions based on what I've read about the complications but am wondering if the hive has any ideas?  Also, I'm working with a regular OB but am noted as a high risk patient.  Some of what I read indicated I needed to see a specialist who is very familiar with the complications of Ashermans.  Any thoughts on the best type of dr to work with?


Thanks for sticking with me and reading this!  Any info or experience would be greatly appreciated!

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