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what's the deal with gofundme?


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A knitting acquaintance of mine who is in her 30s recently found out she has breast cancer which has spread. She is unable to work and it won't be until August or so until disability benefits will kick in. She set up a GoFundMe account and has raised just over $11,000 in about three months. I was happy to donate because that's a shitty situation to be in and I've always known her to work and work hard, but the jobs she had aren't known for their insurance benefits so she doesn't have any. She set it up herself and I've been happy to share on FB as well.


However, I have seen someone else on my FB raising money for a college class. The amount trying to be raised was around $1,500, which seems a lot for one class.


Either way, I don't have to donate to anyone if I don't want to so I don't really care if someone wants to set up a GoFundMe page.

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My friend's son was killed in a car accident this past wknd.


A gofundme was set up to help w/funeral costs, unpaid time off work, grief counselling for the family...if there's that much raised.


For her friends, it was the only tangible thing we could think of to do in the face of such devestating grief, that would help.

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