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Tell me about the weather in Colorado Springs


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This city is a contender for our next place to live.  We are currently in Minnesota and the winter has become a barrier for us in a way (we have a child in a wheelchair).  We don't mind snow and cold temperatures, but we do mind snow and ice from October through April.  When it snows, it sticks around for the long haul and never melts building up and up and up until the roads are a big slippery rutted mess.  Will we like Colorado Springs in winter?  



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Well, when we lived in the Springs, first snow was September and last was April, but the difference is it doesn't stick around that entire time. Both the September and April snows were unexpected and short term blizzards (yes, blizzards, not just a dusting on the ground when you woke up, but all-day, traffic-stopping blizzards).


That said, overall the weather is lovely! Lots of sunshine. Sometimes in the summer there are afternoon thunder storms and downpours, which we loved. The first year we were there (we had four summers there), it happened every day for a month, like clockwork. The day started out with sunshine and no storminess, but at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, the clouds would roll in, the winds pick up, the thunder would rumble and the rain would pour. An hour later, everything would clear up again, leaving a nice, fresh world that made for a pleasant evening walk.

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That's another reason we were liking Colorado springs - the number of days of sunshine.  I get really crabby around February due to lack of outside time and sunshine.   My 7 year old dd is starting to show similar tendencies.  We really need to be outside every day in the sun.  SHE really needs to be outside every day.  And no, bundling up in full winter gear where only your eyes are showing so your skin doesn't freeze is no way to enjoy the great outdoors.  



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