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World Cup Soccer Schedule


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Time again to celebrate the world's game via World Cup soccer!  We've made our picks; the tournament wall chart is up; stickers are gradually filling the Panini album, and life will soon revolve around taking in as many of the 64 matches as possible.  I created a document with game times and such that may come in handy for those of you share the passion.  It's an Open Office spreadsheet (.ods) and for reasons unknown to me, I can't attach it here.  If you're able to open that sort of document and would like a copy, drop me a note and I'll share.

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Yippee! Dh's firm is moving their office and he'll be working from home for 6 weeks while they prep the new one--just in time to watch on the big screen instead of his laptop. He didn't do this on purpose (or so he claims) when he picked the new office, but it's still very convenient.





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Yippee! Dh's firm is moving their office and he'll be working from home for 6 weeks while they prep the new one--just in time to watch on the big screen instead of his laptop. He didn't do this on purpose (or so he claims) when he picked the new office, but it's still very convenient.



Ha ha ~ indeed! :-D

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Yes!  We are counting down.


And have watched Shakira's video a thousand times... La la la la la la... I sing it in my sleep.   :)


I would love a copy of your schedule!


Email me (I can't attach it to a PM here) and I'll shoot it your way. : )

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And have watched Shakira's video a thousand times..


Love Shakira's video; esp. the Spanish version. 


Eh, not a fan.  Didn't really like Shakira's "Waka Waka" in 2010, either.  Of course, either of those is better than Pitbull's wretched "We Are One", this year's official song.  What on earth was FIFA thinking with that?!  


We absolutely loved K'naan's "Wavin' Flag" that played so often during South Africa 2010.  That's my motivational listening. : )

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