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More reasons not to live in Australia

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Nice one Rosie. As if crocs aren't scary enough you've let them know about John Williamson, there goes our tourist dollar.

My tourist dollars bought five or so CD's of Aussie folk and country music when I was there. Not sure if John Williamson was in there, but Slim Dusty was. I bought books, too, though I was dismayed by how expensive they were!


Books are expensive in Australia! That's really scary!

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You all are scaring the crud out of me! I used to think I wanted to visit Australia. Now I'm afraid to step off the plane! :eek:



The crocodiles are mainly up the northern end of Oz. So most Australia is croc free- thank goodness!


I have never seen a poisonous snake out in the wild. And even though there have been a few red back spiders around they aren't as deadly as feared.


So, don't let any of the talk and pictures turn you off. It is really a wonderful country. :-D

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I see a few snakes (nearly all poisonous) every year and some quite close.

They are common in the country and outer suburbs.

But I do not know anyone who has been bitten by one.

Most snakes are scared of people, and they only have small fangs, so even jeans would protect you if you accidentally stepped on one.

[ETA - Most Australian snakes have small fangs, very strong venom but not good at getting it into humans.]

Or just walk with a noisy child to give them a chance to exit first.


(If you don't have one I know where you could borrow one.)


Red-back spiders are very common but no-one has died from a bite since the 50's I think, when they found an anti-venom medicine.


And given that those weird Aussies do like to provoke dangerous animals and are still mostly unscathed, it must be fairly safe to wander around.


Crocs are different, they are NOT shy. But they live up with the top-enders so they are well matched.

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