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Really basic question on blogging...

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I hate that I post as much as I do on facebook (and it's not that much, truly), but I feel like I am giving access to my life to people that could care less, and who never repay the favor ;) (smart of them, but I feel exposed and have no one to blame but my lack of discipline).


But I have family overseas and updating each in turn about the fabulous details of our day to day would be onerous. I experimented with a blog and found it a pain to upload pictures, etc. I have one post from 2 years ago.


I have a good amount of travel coming up, and would love to "pilot" a travel journal. My question is this: Can I write a post, post pictures, etc via my iphone? I am usually too tired by the end of the day to sit down and write about all the great things that have me exhausted ;)



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You can change your FB now to show only family your posts.  So first you have to make a list of who is "family" but then when you share, you can share with only with "custom" and then choose that list for some things and only "friends" for others - or "friends of friends" or "everyone" for others for that matter.

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