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IEW Fix-It Newer version worth trade in?

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I have the original Fix-It (Tom Sawyer is the 1st book).  Has anyone traded in the older Fix It version for the new updated one?  Is it worth trading it in?  


The only difference I have seen is labeling the parts of speech for the sentences.  However, I haven't held the new version in my hand to truly look it over.


I was told that I would receive a 30 credit to use towards the $89 teacher bundle (6 books)



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I didn't know I would get a credit for trading in my old Fix-it!


I have purchased the new Level 1 and 2 books after using the old version for two years. I see many improvements in the new one! Overall, there's just a lot more details for both the student and teacher. Things are really spelled out for you. I love that the student pages have a box of all the things they are looking for each week. It also seems more incremental. The old version would introduce some new things to look for and then have several weeks to practice it. In the new one, there's an instructional page at the beginning of each week introducing only one new thing for that week. I love, love, love that the teacher guide now has a copy of the passage marked like the student's should (though I found some answers misaligned today). The old version drove me crazy how you got the incorrect passage and then the correct one and then I had to pay really close attention to make sure I found all the errors that needed to be corrected. There were a few notes on the side, but I didn't always understand them. Now there are clear explanations of everything and even suggested questions to ask your child along the way to make sure they are understanding things. There is a copy of a correct, complete passage for each week so that would will know what your child's copied passage should look like.


I'm really glad I got the new books! HTH! Let me know if you have questions.

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Yes, I started with Nose Tree. I plan for my son to go through it pretty fast and not do the copying for The Nose Tree. He easily does a week's worth in a day. It will probably all be review for him, but I want to make sure we don't miss anything. Once he moves to book 2, I plan for him to use it as is.

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Thanks for the heads up on the trade in as well.  I was a little frustrated to see the new version when we had just purchased the old last year.  I would have held off had I known...or just purchased a single story, not the whole kit and caboodle.


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